"Kill it, there is nothing in this world that you can't kill!"

"You will be the strongest ghost in the future, but now you are the strongest ghost swordsman, kill him!"

There were bursts of roaring sounds in Ye Kai's mind, urging Ye Kai to kill Youyouzi.


Ye Kai let out a low growl in pain, unable to resist those voices entering his mind.

"Big brother, does it seem to be the same as the previous Fulan?" Fulan was still the crowd, looking at Ye Kai in disbelief.

"Is he delirious? No wonder it has become so powerful." Remy said in surprise.

After Kazami Yuka left, she returned to the normal Remi.But is there any connection between insanity and being powerful?

"Sister, let's wake up big brother." Fran said to Remy.

"Okay! Anyway, he can't hurt us. Let me explain in advance, it's not about caring about him, it's just that we are afraid that there will be problems in our time travel again." Remy nodded.

Fran gave Remi a contemptuous look, this sister is not frank at all.

But just as the two wanted to go forward, they found that their bodies had already begun to blur.

One hour of wind, it's time!


The bodies of the two disappeared...

"Brother Yuwen, wake up!" Youyouzi also saw that something was wrong with Ye Kai, and shouted anxiously.

"Miss, quickly, kill him!" Yaoji quickly reminded.

The current Ye Kai is too dangerous!

Yuyuko's ability was weakened a lot against him.

Coupled with Ye Kai's combat power shown just now, he is not weaker than Youyouzi at all!

bang, bang, bang...

Ye Kai approached step by step.

All the veins on his body were bulging, and the thick blood vessels seemed to burst.

There was a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, and the meteor knife pointed at Youyouzi's heart.

Yuyuko didn't dodge, didn't defend, and didn't attack.

She didn't believe it, didn't believe that Ye Kai would kill her.

Even if the two have only known each other for a day; even if Ye Kai's eyes are so violent.


The tip of the sword moved forward little by little, piercing a little bit of Youyuko's skin.

Youyouzi frowned in pain, shed tears, but didn't move.

"Miss, hurry up!" Yaoji staggered forward, wanting to kill Ye Kai first.

But for him who has exhausted his monster power and physical strength, the distance of a few steps is like a moat!

The Liuguang Xingyun Knife stained with Youyouzi's blood looked at Ye Kai's Youyouzi with tears in his eyes, causing Ye Kai's brain to explode and fell into chaos again.

Countless memories resisted the tempting voice and hit his nerves!


Ye Kai raised the sword in his hand and stared at the wild boar. As long as it rushed to a certain range, Ye Kai would slash it with a wave, and then give it a sword on the head, and dinner would be served.

But an accident happened, and before Ye Kai could make a move, the wild boar suddenly lost its eyes, and then rushed a few steps according to inertia.


Can't afford to fall.

Ye Kai walked over suspiciously, and found that the wild boar died in an instant.

How is it possible, even if there are some signs of death, it is unscientific to die like this.

"Ala, Ala, it was Yuyuko-sama who killed it."


The pig's head, four pig's trotters, a plate of pork liver, and a plate of fat intestines that were put on the table all disappeared.

And Youyouzi's mouth is swollen like a squirrel, it looks like she did it.

Ye Kai didn't worry about it too much, after all, Yuyuko's Xiangrenzhizato Guard Team once formed a team to observe.

He sighed helplessly, took out a big pot of rice, then walked behind Youyouzi, patted her on the back lightly, and said softly: "Eat slowly, delicious food needs to be savored and enjoyed. If you eat like this, you will not be able to remember many flavors, and you will easily choke on it.”

It's obviously a ghost, but Ye Kai's hand seems to be photographing a real person, but it's a little cold.

What he doesn't know is that unless Yuyuko is willing, he can't touch it.

Youyouzi raised her head, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Kai suspiciously, and she chewed lightly with her mouth.

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