
"I will, thank you for the sea, my children like it very much, and I also had a great time playing those sea monsters in it." Kazami Youxiang took a rare look at Ye Kai, and the pressure almost made him sit on the ground.

"Ah, ah, this is not the way to say thank you."


Youyouzi sat down on Ye Kai's body. Although Ye Kai could feel the amazing elasticity, she seemed to have no weight. What a wonderful feeling.


"Miss Youyouzi, hello." Ye Kai stretched out his hand.

He has a deep understanding of Yuyuko's appetite, and I hope he won't be asked to buy food this time...

"Ala, don't be so ignorant!" Youyouzi said with a smile on his face, "Just call me Youyouzi."

"Uh, okay, Youyouzi." Ye Kai said awkwardly.

Immediately, something incredible happened.

Youyouzi unexpectedly jumped up and hugged Ye Kai.

Hong Meiling was dumbfounded, that boy was dumbfounded.

When Ye Kai was at a loss, Youyouzi put his lips close to Ye Kai's ear, and said softly, "I still want to eat exotic cuisine today, Ye Kaisang."

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched, as expected, Feilai Yanfu did not exist, he was destined to lose his fortune today.



A golden light flashed, and the paper clothes on Ye Kai disappeared instantly.

As for Ye Kai, his whole body was exposed in front of Youyouzi.

Youyouzi covered her eyes with her hands, but the gap between her fingers told Ye Kai that she didn't even think about blocking it.

Youyouzi's eyes kept wandering back and forth on Xiaoyekai's body.

Ye Kai covered his lower body, his face was like a boiled prawn, it was scary red.


Tanabata really reminds me of my girlfriend.

I have been tossing and tossing since I first arrived in this world, and it feels unreal to be so peaceful now.

In the evening, Ye Kai held a piece of grass in his mouth, with his hands behind his head, lying on the grass, watching the slowly setting sun.

"Ah, Ye Kaisang seems to be bored, do you want Master Youyuzi to accompany you to drink tea?"


Early in the morning, Ye Kai opened his eyes in confusion, did he really drink too much last night?

catch, catch...

So soft...

"Ara, don't pinch..."

Ye Kai thought of a soft voice in his chest, but the content of the words was horrifying.

Ye Kai looked at his right hand in disbelief, which happened to be on Youyouzi's chest, so scared that he slowly withdrew his hand, so as not to be destroyed humanely by Youyouzi.

This feeling is absolutely necessary!Although most of the girls in Gensokyo are wearing bloomers, they don't seem to be wearing bras!

I actually pinched a ghost, so hi...


"Ah, Ye Kai did something very disrespectful to someone last night, and he even kissed him, and he was drooling all over his mouth."

Sure enough, as soon as Youyouzi woke up, he started asking questions.

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose... Also, I can't beat you, why don't you resist?" Ye Kai said with a confused face.

Kiss?Why don't you feel it yourself?Sister, even if you are destroyed by humanity, you still have to kiss when you are sober, otherwise it will be too bad!

"If it's Ye Kai, I don't mind." Youyouzi said with a smile.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched. If it was another girl, he would think that the other party had confessed his love.Can be replaced by an unscrupulous girl from Gensokyo, he doesn't have such a big heart.

"Wow! The time is almost up, Master Yuyuko is going back. See you in Gensokyo, don't make Master Yuyuko wait too long."

While talking, Youyouzi actually kissed Ye Kai's face.


Ye Kai was thrown by Tifa's side by Youyouzi. Youyouzi opened his fan and said sadly: "Oh, did Ye Kaisang abandon Zi and me? That night, he was touching her chest while I kissed people and said that I would support them for the rest of my life.”

Ye Kai was suddenly stunned.

Yuyuko, what is she trying to do?

And Tifa was also stunned, she knew that it was Ye Kai's friend who came.But now, what's the situation?Why did it suddenly turn into a love triangle...

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