His mind was a little blurred again, and he couldn't hold it anymore.


Ye Kai finally felt the feeling of being taken out, and slowly fell towards Youyuzi...

"Yuyuko, I'm sorry, I seem to like you..."

Chapter 321

【Awakening completed】

【Level returns to normal】

[Ghosts and gods turn into a controllable state]

[Currently, during the deification period, the host level can be raised to 75, and the mind cannot be maintained]

[The number of times of deification is related to the darkness of the host's seal]

[Remaining number of deification times: 1]

The time has come three days later.

Yaoji recruited many people to restore the already fragmented Xihangsi family.

Although many places are still dilapidated, at least they can be lived in.

Those big holes were also filled in.

It was as if the war that happened before did not exist at all.

Youyuko had severely injured Yakumo Zi before, but now she actually assumed the responsibility of taking care of Yakumo Zi, leaving Yaoji speechless.

A few days ago, you beat people to death, but now you take care of others?What if she recovers and hurts Yuyuko again?

But Youyouzi is the master here, he didn't listen to Yuyouzi's persuasion, there is no way...

Yuyuko believed that she would be able to influence Yakumo Zi and persuade her to be kind.

"Are you awake?" In a room, Yuyuko helped Yakumo Zi up, and fed Yakumo Zi little by little porridge with a spoon.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Yakumo Zi asked with complicated eyes.

Unexpectedly, Yuyuko treated her like an ordinary patient, causing a crack to appear in Yakumo Zi's cold heart.

Whether it's true or false, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive Yakumo Zi.

Yuyuko is completely sincere to her.

"Why should I kill you? I told Youji, don't kill monsters, just get rid of them. We are all living beings, why do we have to fight?" Yuyuko said softly.

"Don't you hate it? You were born to seal the Westward Demon. The magic power of the song sages of the past is all on you, right?" Yakumo Zi said in a deep voice.

She knows why Yuyuko is so strong, this is the hard work of countless generations!

Only the sons of the Xixing Temple family can inherit that huge magic power, and only their family has such ability.

As for Yuyuko, it was obvious that she had reached her limit.

Otherwise, it won't overflow mana and kill people inexplicably.

"I don't hate it, it's good to be alive, don't think too much." Youyouzi lowered his head and said weakly.

"You, oh..." Yakumo Zi shook her head.

"Well, please don't bother me again, okay, if the West Goblin is in full bloom, many people will die." Yuyuko said in a discussing tone.

"If I say no, what will you do to me?" Yakumo Zi asked playfully.

"I... I will defeat you again, and then heal you until, until I die..." Youyuzi whispered.

"You! Really..." Yakumo Zi shook her head, she was completely speechless to Yuyuko.

However, her view of human beings has changed a little now. It turns out that among human beings, not all of them are ugly demon masters and magic monks who kill demons when they see them, and who want to become famous.

There is also an existence like Youyouzi, who likes peace and has a worse fate than anyone else, but lives stronger than anyone else.

She found that she actually liked Yuyuko very much, and even wanted to be friends with her.

She had no friends before, and Cuixiang, Hoshiguma Yuki, and Rumia were all fresh friends.

How can there be sincerity among monsters?

But Yuyuko, a human being, made her feel like a friend.

"Your injury hasn't healed yet, lie down for a while longer. I'm sorry, I didn't take it in before, and accidentally hurt you." Youyuzi whispered.

"You are so kind." Yakumo Zi touched Yuyuko's face.

Youyuko's face flushed instantly, but she didn't escape.

"Thanks to your care these days, I still don't know your name." Yakumo Zi said softly.

"Huh? My name?" Youyuko asked in surprise.

"If you make friends, don't you have to tell each other names? My surname is Yakumo, and my name is Yakumo Zi." Yakumo Zi said with a smile: "Or, do you despise me as a monster?"

Youyouzi quickly waved his hand and said: "No, it's not... I, my name is... Xixing Temple You... Youzi!"

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