"Yuyuko?" Yakumo Zi nodded.

Yuyuko froze for a moment, she just stuttered accidentally just now, but Yakumozi misunderstood her name as Yuyuko.

However, this name is also very nice, brother Yuwen also called it that way.

Thinking of Ye Kai, Youyouzi blushed a little.

She didn't expect that, near the end of her life, there would be someone willing to confess to her.

At that time, Ye Kai just instinctively said what was in his heart, making Youyouzi's heart so sweet that he even forgot that Ye Kai stabbed her.

Ye Kai was just someone he had known for a day, and he almost risked his life for her.

Even if he won't die, it will still hurt, right?

She could see that when Ye Kai broke out with all his strength, he himself might not be able to hold back.

But for the sake of Youyouzi, he still had no hesitation, used all his strength, and handed over his consciousness and fighting will to the ghosts and gods.

Youyouzi is an unknown person, no one has ever pursued her, and no one dared to pursue her.

If you stay close to her for a long time, you will die!Those mana monks and exorcists are not exempt from vulgarity.

Ye Kai, on the other hand, never worried about this.

"Zi, I'm going to take care of Brother Yuwen first, you should have a good rest." Youyouzi said with a blushing face.

"Yu Wentuo? That guy is really strong! However, there should be a big problem with his outburst..." Yakumo Zi frowned.

Yakumo Zi saw Ye Kai's last weakness, she had countless ways to deal with a guy like Ye Kai, but she was entangled by Yuyuko at the beginning.

The first is to throw him into the sunflower field, when his burst time ends, that is when he dies.

His outburst lasted about an hour at most.

As for the output of Kazami Yuka, she can fight for at least a few decades, and she herself is not doing much.

In a few decades, Ye Kai would probably be confused in one day.

The second type, Yakumo Zi found that Ye Kai seemed unable to fly for a long time, and most of the battles were on land, which gave him a lot of room for maneuver.

Kite him in the air, kite until he is ghostly, or hide in the gap, and he can be easily killed.

But Yakumo Lan, it is too difficult to deal with Ye Kai, the level gap is too big!

She also notified Yakumolan, don't worry about herself, as long as the injury is healed.

After experiencing Ye Kai's soul-thirsty sealing and demon slashing, Yakumo Zi was pleasantly surprised to find that Yakumo Lan was evolving and could transform into a real big monster immediately.

In this way, she and her shikigami are all big monsters.

"Well, he hasn't woken up yet, I'll go and see first." Youyouzi said with a blushing face.

"Go, be careful, male monsters are all guys who like harem." Yakumo Zi pinched Yuyuko's face and said softly.

Chapter 322

Ye Kai opened his eyes in confusion, and happened to see Youyouzi who was wiping his sweat beside him.

"Ah... Sorry, I played too much before and accidentally demolished your home." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

The confession with Yuyuko was his instinctive reaction, and he forgot it when he woke up.

"Ah, you're awake." Youyouzi helped Ye Kai up, and said with some embarrassment: "Fortunately, I have you, otherwise, I would have died that day. Zi is not a bad person, but he has too much prejudice against human beings." gone."

Thinking of Ye Kai's affectionate confession that day, Youyouzi couldn't help but blushed, and said inwardly: How could anyone confess his love just after meeting him, he is too straightforward...

Or, is this the way monsters think?That's right, strong monsters will take over weak monsters, it's too extravagant to talk about feelings.

But, am I really worthy of him?My life expectancy is less than a month...

"Zi? Don't tell me you let her go!" Ye Kai said in surprise.

Zi Yakumo came to pick things up, she must be locked up and trained!How she cheated herself back then, she should cheat herself well.

"No." Youyouzi shook his head.

Seeing that Ye Kai woke up, the first thing she thought of was Yakumo Zi, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, she cared about your previous confession very much!

Ye Kai breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine if she doesn't let go, she must be educated until she won't cheat others!Hmm, did it make her doubt her life?Let her know the benefits of being human!This, I think I can do it for me.

"I'm helping her heal her injuries, let's wait for her to recover." Youyuko said casually.


Ye Kai almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and said a little confused: "She came to kill you, she didn't come by herself, she found so many strong men. In the end, we risked our lives and defeated her. If you don't kill her, don't you?" Just lock her up and heal her?"

"But, her nature is not bad!" Yuyuko said a little at a loss.

Yakumo Zi, who was hiding in the gap, gritted her teeth in hatred, if it wasn't for killing Ye Kai Youyuko, she would have been sad, she would have killed Ye Kai a long time ago.

"So, that's how you know each other... Well, no matter how many bad things she has done before, she is indeed right from the standpoint of monsters. Those monster extermination masters seem to have a deep hatred for monsters. They kill monsters when they see them." , and it doesn't matter whether the monster does evil or not.

And as a monster, there is nothing wrong with her crazy counterattack.

There is no right or wrong in war, as long as the innocent are not affected. "Ye Kai said to himself.

Youyouzi thought Ye Kai was talking about her, but he didn't know that Ye Kai was talking about Yakumo Zi.

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