It doesn't matter which came first, the chicken or the egg.

The important thing is that the future Meihong has become the first teacher for her present self.

Meihong began to try to make talismans. Although she failed many times, she also succeeded twice.

Although the strength is not as good as Ye Kai gave her, but it also found a direction for her.

This knowledge can be learned slowly and experienced slowly.What she needs now is a spell that she can fight.

She found that she couldn't learn the combat abilities of human monster hunters and mana monks at all, and could only use some detection techniques that could be used without mana, or the common flying technique.

This kind of spell can be learned by both humans and demons, regardless of demon power and magic power.

It seems that I can only come a little bit. When my strength is stronger and I have done enough talismans, I will go to those monsters and take away their magic.

She didn't leave Fujiwara's house, nor did she take revenge on those who bullied her.

When I become stronger and expose these abilities on my body, my father will definitely start to fancy me at that time, how about you?

Thanks to that big brother, it is better to teach someone to fish than to give him a fish. His talisman can only protect her once, but as long as he becomes stronger, no one can hurt him again.

If there is destiny, I will see that benefactor again.

I feel that without him, my fate would be very miserable.

When I become stronger in the future, I must repay him.

ps: After reading the pirated version, come to Qidian’s book review area to make irresponsible remarks, and delete the post directly and never tolerate zero tolerance.As for how I knew it was a pirated version... Seeing the latest plot, I don't have any fan value at all, and pointing fingers at the follow-up plot, the starting point shows that I have never charged money, is it a pirated version or the starting point has a tool for pretending to hide the title of fans?

I didn't stop you from watching pirated versions, and I never published anti-theft chapters. I've done my best, and I'm not interested in listening to your BB.

Chapter 324 Doubt about life...

"That is to say, you are not only a big monster now, but you can also burst out with the power to approach... me?" Remy pondered.

She and Fulan were leaning on Ye Kai's arms, Ye Kai's two arms were embracing their stomachs.

If it is said that hugging is definitely not good, if it is said that it will be a human pillow for the two ladies, Lei Mi said that Ye Kai is still very sensible.

"Yes!" Ye Kai nodded repeatedly.

Remy's actions were really inferior to him who turned into a ghost, but since Remy said so, he must think that Remy is really good, otherwise the eldest lady should be angry.

"Well, I grew up really fast, and I didn't embarrass me at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. But if you want to use it next time, you must never use it in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, you know? If you lose your mind in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, this lady will kill you."

Lei Mi shook her small fist at Ye Kai.

Ye Kai felt that his heart was about to be sprouted, and he hurriedly said, "Of course, how can it be at home?"

Lei Mi would not say that she was afraid that she would not be able to suppress the crazy Ye Kai.

"Hey, when can we travel again?" Remy suddenly asked a sharp question.

"I don't know, but I understand a little bit. Now I can send you back to the future timeline, and when you see me again, I will correct the timeline." Ye Kai said.

"No!" Fulan suddenly said, "Although I can't feel the passage of time, that feeling is very bad."

"Me too, don't feel that way, even if you can come out for a while every day. The growth of this era is much faster than that era." Remi said dissatisfied.

"Hey, don't let you go back, don't worry!" Ye Kai hurriedly coaxed the two lolis.

After coaxing them, the time for them to come out is over.

Ye Kai became in a state of doing nothing again.

He went for a walk outside and saw Yaoji trimming the garden, he felt a little funny.

Youmu is pruning with those two divine tools.

Suddenly, the weather became colder, Ye Kai frowned slightly, it was a fluctuation of the big monster level, or a top big monster.

Ye Kai didn't see what happened that day, and after fighting with Lumia for a while, he became a ghost, so he didn't know about Qi Lunuo.

Originally, I wanted to ask Youyouzi, but Youyouzi was too shy, so she ran away long ago.

Yaoji was about to leave when Ye Kai waved his hand and walked towards the door.

Yaoji breathed a sigh of relief, why are all the big monsters coming recently?Could it be that they just want the Westward Demon to bloom so much?

After the Westbound Demon is fully in full bloom, there is a chance of transforming!Can they guarantee their own safety?Which guy was born purely for the death of others.

Xixing Yao can be regarded as one of the top big monsters, even if he has no form, he is still comparable to the current Youyouzi.

It's just that its defensive ability is too high against the sky, basically except for the ultimate move of the same level, it can't cause damage to him, so it can't be killed.

Perhaps, it can be compared with Rumia and Kazami Yuka, the vitality is extremely strong!

Using Yakumo Zi as a metaphor, Yakumo Zi can't do anything to it, and it can't do anything to Yakumo Zi, that's the situation.

In the battles between the top big monsters, if most of them don't fight one, it is rare to really tell the winner.

Xixing Yao is still the type who is not afraid of your crowd.

So the current method is to seal it, and the only ones who can seal it are Yuyuko, Rumia, or Yuxiang.

The latter two are absolutely not in danger...

Only Ye Kai, who is not afraid of death, is willing to try to kill, or devour.

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