"Huh? There's a big monster here, is it looking for trouble? Don't fight, please." Youyuko obviously sensed Qi Lunuo's breath, and said weakly.

She thought it was just looking for trouble.

"Hmm... She probably didn't come here to ask for trouble, she is a rare polite fairy. If a creature like a fairy can grow to that level, should it be called the king of fairies?" Yakumo Zi felt a little emotional. the way.

Fairy is a kind of very strange creature, they are the incarnation of nature, as long as they are still alive, they can keep growing.

Moreover, even if you die, you can be resurrected.

Naturally, they are not invincible. Every time they die, their cultivation will return to their original state and become very weak.Their memories will only be left with a small part of common sense and memories of people who are impressed.

The stronger the goblin, the more normal the IQ. Basically, [-]% of them are idiots. The big goblin is already the best in IQ among goblins.

Goblins have a bad taste, that is, they like to play tricks on people, and sometimes they will accidentally provoke powerful monsters.

Powerful monsters will kill goblins at will, anyway, this thing can't be eaten, it will be exploded by the force of nature, and it will die if it dies.

Qi Lunuo was an accident. She grew up quietly to the present. No one had noticed before, and she suddenly appeared in the lake of mist in the past few decades.

And she, naturally became the leader of goblins, the guardian of all goblins: the king of goblins.

"Qirunuo? She is indeed a rare good elf, she doesn't play tricks on people, and helps people drive away elves." Yuyuko nodded.

"It's not expulsion, it's protection. What if you annoy the strong and kill those goblins? Qi Lunuo doesn't kill people, and it's impossible to protect every goblin at any time. Besides, she can't guarantee it." Since I am immortal, I can only change people's impression of goblins." Yakumo Zi shook her head and said.

"She... is really similar to me. She is for the peace between humans and fairies, and I am for the sake of humans not killing monsters, and monsters will not slaughter humans." Yuyuko said with some longing: "If I have such a A strong vitality is enough, and it can be done.”

"Illusion, the human heart is the most complicated thing, and it cannot be changed." Yakumo Zi said bluntly.

"But Zi Mingming has been changed by me..." Youyouzi said weakly.

"I'm just treating you. If I meet humans who don't like me, I will still kill them." Yakumo Zi's eyes flashed coldly.

"Don't be like this, Zi..." Youyuko begged.

Yakumo Zi was unmoved, this is a matter of principle!Among those human beings, except for Youyuzi, she really didn't see many good people.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that most of the humans she met were exorcists...

Ye Kai walked to the gate of the courtyard, and saw a young girl standing there quietly.

Why is her dress, demonic power, and appearance so familiar?

No, it's very familiar!

"Excuse me, my name is Cirnuo, I'm the Ice Fairy, I'm here to apologize for accidentally destroying this place before." Cirnuo bowed.

"Qi Lunuo?" Ye Kai looked at Qi Lunuo's polite manner, and felt like beeping poi...

"My wife is the strongest!"

This is the Cirno I know, okay?

Chapter 325 The Truth About the Westbound Demon

"Are you really Qi Lunuo, the Fairy of Ice?" Ye Kai asked with a strange face.

"That's right." Qi Lunuo was a little puzzled, what's the matter with this person?

She also saw Ye Kai's big outburst that night, seeing how Ye Kai is dumbfounded now, as if he knew herself.

Like Yakumo Zi, she is quite famous, so it's not surprising to know her.

But why...there was an urge to hit him?

"Well, you're not here to make trouble, are you?" Ye Kai put his mind down.

Let's put the matter of Qilu Nuo aside, can a creature like a goblin grow backwards?How come the longer you grow, the smaller you become, the more stupid you become!

When I went to the Scarlet Devil Mansion to play, I passed by the lake of fog and beat her a lot.

"I'm here to apologize, I don't like fighting." Qi Lunuo said softly.

Don't like fighting?The one who likes to fight the most and can never win is you, okay...

Forget it, it's not surprising that I met a weak version of Yuyuko who doesn't eat much, and then an awesome and peace-loving Cirno.

Ye Kai brought Qi Lunuo under the cherry blossom tree, Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko were already waiting there.

"Qirunuo, why are you here?" Yakumo Zi asked knowingly.

Qi Lunuo saluted Yuyuko first, and said softly: "I am very sorry for what happened a few days ago." Then she looked at Zi Yakumo and said, "But, Zi, you shouldn't provoke Rumia. come over."

"Well, I didn't want to either, it was Rumia who coerced her." Yakumo Zi showed a pitiful expression.

Ye Kai was deeply impressed by Yakumo Zi's face, how could a guy of this age know how to be cute?

"Yuwen-sang, it seems that you are thinking about something very rude." Yakumo Zi's face flashed darkly, and he glared at Ye Kai.

"No, absolutely not." You can't admit it to death, it's a fool to admit it.

"Zi was also careless, please forgive her." Youyouzi said weakly.

"Since you don't care about it, I have nothing to say." Qi Lunuo sighed.

She also couldn't figure out why people who were beaten to death before could sit here and chat peacefully.

"Come on, let's sit here and chat together, how good it is, just to help us study the Westbound Demon." Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

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