Qi Lunuo frowned slightly, she couldn't do anything about the West Goblin, it would be possible with Rumia, but she would never do it.

One's own soldiers can't freeze the invisible power of death.

It would be fine if the demonic power of the Western Goblin was prevented from leaking out, but it would exude a fatal attraction, allowing weak monsters and human magic monks to approach themselves, and then sacrifice their lives.

"Qi Lunuo... don't think about it, I, Brother Yuwen and I will solve it." Youyouzi said weakly.

After a long time, Qi Lunuo sighed and said, "Oh... really, a helpless fate."

Ye Kai looked at Qi Lunuo strangely, if she knew what virtue she would have in the future, would she commit suicide in shame?Still thinking about others?

Ye Kai also sat down, and said with a smile: "Well, even if Buraxiu can't swallow the Westbound Demon, my left arm should be able to seal a large part of it. Maybe at that time, the Westbound Demon can be easily killed It's over."

"By the way, you don't know how the West Goblin got here, do you?" Zi Yakumo said with a strange expression on his face.

"I don't know, isn't this just an ordinary cherry blossom tree?" Ye Kai asked doubtfully.

"In your country, there is a tree called Jianmu." Yakumo Zi said in a deep voice.

Ye Kai's face changed immediately.

Legend has it that Jianmu is a bridge connecting heaven, earth, humans and gods.Fuxi, Huangdi and other emperors used this sacred ladder to travel up and down in the world and heaven.On the bronze sacred tree unearthed in Sanxingdui, Guanghan, there are branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, birds, animals, hanging dragons, and divine bells.

"No, why is Jianmu from Huaxia here?" Ye Kai asked with some doubts.

This era is a continuation of the prehistoric world. It is not an ordinary world. Jianmu should really be a bridge between heaven and earth, which is about the same level as Buzhou Mountain!

"It's just a tree branch. More than a thousand years ago, Shihuang sent five hundred boys and girls to find the fairy medicine, and attached the branch of Jianmu. Of course, they thought it was a whole tree of Jianmu, which was obtained by General Meng Tian with the Yinyang family. Yes." Yakumo Zi said in a deep voice.

Four words flashed in Ye Kai's mind: Qin Shimingyue.

Also, it's really possible!

"So, at that time, the demons were rampant here, and the Xixing demon slowly mutated and turned into a cherry tree. Without your immortals suppressing it, if the Xixing Temple family itself came from the Yinyang family, and used secret methods to gather all the ancestors' mana, I am afraid it would not be able to suppress it. Stay." Yakumo Zi rolled her eyes and said.

"It seems that it is impossible to cut down the Westbound Demon." Ye Kai knew how tyrannical China was in the prehistoric era.

So the inheritance of Onmyoji comes from China?No wonder it resembles Taoism.

"Even so, do you still want to try?" Yakumo Zi asked indifferently.

"Of course, in this calculation, Youyouzi is my fellow villager." When Youyouzi was at a loss, Ye Kai hugged her and put her little head on his lap.

Yuyuko used to like to lie down like this, so Yuyuko, who is a human being now, can't help feeling a little familiar.

She moved her body, but did not resist, letting Ye Kai's hand pat her on the shoulder to comfort her.

"This place has become its own country." Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"It's a matter of education for children to recite the classics and forget their ancestors. I believe that someone will educate them well in the future." Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

"Don't make it so heavy, it's getting late, let's do something fun." Zi Yakumo said with a smile.

"What?" Ye Kai asked puzzled.

"Drinking, dancing, cherry blossom viewing, you can do whatever you want after that." Yakumo Zi said softly.

She pulled Youyouzi up, and said to Youyouzi, "Want to come for a while?"

"This, this is not good..." Youyuzi said a little bit coyly.

But Yaoji, at this time, brought dinner and drinks.

Yakumo Zi said how could this be enough?Randomly took out dozens of cylinders in the gap, all belonged to the Heavenly Royal...

"Who are you drinking to death?"

Don't look at Ye Kai's ghostly body, he also vomits after drinking too much.

"We goblins can't drink." Qi Lunuo said softly.

"Cut, let's drink four." Yakumo Zi said, how could you just let Yuyuko go?

Yakumozi in this era is still very diligent, so she won't be sleepy in spring, tired in summer, and fall asleep in autumn.

"Yuwen-san, let's go first." Yakumo Zi said softly.

Chapter 326 Really miss?

"Huh? Didn't you guys dance?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

"Of course it started with a man, wouldn't it be that he doesn't have this kind of grace?" Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"Um... well, I really don't know how to dance swords. Yaoji, help me." Ye Kai said to Yaoji.

"I won't..." Yaoji frowned.

"Yaoji, let's go..." Youyouzi said hopefully.

"This, good!"

Since my eldest lady has given orders, how could Yaoji refuse to follow?

He took out two artifacts and stared at Ye Kai with killing intent.

Ye Kai also looked solemnly, and drew out the Shuanglong Phantom Sword.

It's not that they want to do this, but that they are better at actual combat.

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