The sword body of the Shuanglong Phantom Sword looks like two black dragons twining around, exuding a dark luster.

The lightsaber itself is a crystal, but it emits light after being injected with magic power.In addition, this crystal is very light, as if it has no weight, so it is called a lightsaber.

"Huh? So he has more than one artifact." Yakumo Zi said solemnly.

"Zi, he's not an enemy." Youyouzi said weakly.

Yakumo Zi pressed Yuyuko on the seat, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm just curious. None of the monsters from that country are simple. I really haven't seen any monsters who have been there, and there are still alive."

"Maybe they are more tolerant to the monsters in their own country." Yuyuko thought for a while.

Yakumo Zi nodded slightly, Ye Kai and Yaoji had already started the battle.

Ye Kai's ghost swordsmanship is extremely light, not as weird and tricky as the ghost in the Taidao, nor open and close like the ghost in the giant sword.

Among the weapons corresponding to Ligui Sword Art, this is the most suitable for performance, but it is definitely not unsuitable for actual combat.

Fast, extremely fast, is the full translation of the ghost in the lightsaber.

Ye Kai's sword danced with sword shadows all over the sky, and the steps under his feet followed suit.

Unlike in the game, the ghost swordsmanship has its own pace.

Yaoji was quite used to fighting Tai Dao Ye Kai before, but when he met the faster Ye Kai, he became flustered all of a sudden.

But Yaoji is not an ordinary person, he quickly adapts to the rhythm, and fights with Ye Kai vividly.

"If there is nothing else, I'll take my leave first, lest those goblins go out to make trouble again." Qi Lunuo said softly.

"Well, it seems that you are not used to such a banquet." Yakumo Zi waved her hand.

Qi Lunuo got up and bowed to them, and left here.

She came here to apologize, and everyone is not that familiar, let alone the world of monsters.

"Come on, have a drink?" Yakumo Zi put the wine glass in front of Yuyuko.

Youyouzi's pretty face flushed slightly, she hadn't had a drink yet.

Immediately, she picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Hey, it's not too bad to drink." Youyouzi said in surprise.

The sake of the island country is not very strong, and Yuyuko is fine when he drinks it for the first time.

Besides, those sitting here are all non-human beings, so if you want to get drunk, you have to drink half of them.

People who drink alcohol for the first time can easily fail to grasp their own strength, and Yuyuko is obviously one of them.

By the time Ye Kai and Yaoji had almost fought, Youyouzi had already been completely overwhelmed by Yakumo Zi.

"Zi, let's go dance!" Youyuko blushed and said while grabbing Yakumo Zi's hand.

"Eh..." Yakumo Zi originally wanted others to dance, she looked at it, but she didn't want to involve herself in it.

But looking at Yuyuko's hopeful eyes, Yakumo Zi couldn't help feeling a little bit unbearable.

Immediately, she glared at Ye Kai and Yaoji.

Yaoji understood instantly, and said calmly: "I'm a little tired, I'm going to rest."

After speaking, get up and leave.

And what about Ye Kai?He was sure that nothing could be shaken, and he also prepared a camera along the way.

Yakumo Zi had no choice but to dance with Yuyuko.

While jumping, Yakumo Zi thought to herself: Should I use Ye Kai's eyes to drink wine, or should I crush it?

Ye Kai watched the waists of the two of them twisting slightly like water snakes, and couldn't help being a little fascinated.

Yakumo Zi's figure is similar to Yuyuko's, one is black and the other is golden, they are very dazzling.

The clothes they both wore were long skirts, but they were very measured when they danced. Ye Kai didn't see any benefits.

I don't know how long it took, the two finished dancing, and came back here to drink with Ye Kai.

The three of them all know that they don't know how long this kind of life will last, and they will have to face it sooner or later. If you have wine today, let's get drunk today!

Not to mention Youyuko, even Ye Kai and Yakumo Zi were drunk.

"Brother Yuwen, kiss..." Youyuko hugged Yakumozi's face, and kissed her bewitching red lips.

Ye Kai's head is full of black lines, it's not easy to stop, if she wants to kiss another man, Ye Kai would have gone up and chopped him into pieces.

It can be replaced with Yakumo purple, this...

Can't he stop Lily?

Yakumo Zi was also a little at a loss, it was the first time for her to be kissed by someone.

When Yuyuko's tongue stuck into Yakumozi's mouth, Yakumozi also began to respond.

How could Ye Kai watch Youyuzi fall into Yakumozi's clutches like this, grabbed Youyuzi back into his arms, and kissed Youyuzi's small mouth.

Kissing with Yuyuko, seems to be the first time?

This feeling is completely different!

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