Yuyuko's tender body is very hot, not as cold as the ghost version.

"Zi, no, we are all women, it's not allowed." Youyouzi pushed Ye Kai, but he couldn't use any strength.

Ye Kai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Youyouzi still regarded him as Yakumozi?

No, it must be punished!

Thinking of this, Ye Kai stretched out a hand, and patted Youyouzi's buttocks.


It's very flexible...

The good times didn't last long, Yakumo Zi realized that Ji You was snatched away by Ye Kai, and snatched it back.

Youyuko curled up in Yakumo Zi's arms, trembling, and said softly: "Brother Yuwen, Zi, Zi, she is, woo woo woo..."

Yakumo Zi also has black lines all over her head, she can't do anything about this little confusion.

Ye Kai and Yakumo Zi looked at each other and suddenly laughed at the same time.

The two picked up the wine jar and poured it into their mouths, ignoring Youyouzi who was already drunk.

Goo-dong, goo-dong.

The wine was mixed with the sweat that shed just now, and flowed down the two of them to the ground little by little.

"Excellent." Ye Kai put the wine jar on the ground.

Yakumo Zi also drank a whole tank of wine.

"You kid, you're not bad." Yakumo Zi said softly.

"You too." Ye Kai raised the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Yuwen, I, I still want to drink." Youyuko hugged Yakumozi and opened his mouth, expressing the need for food.

Yakumo Zi picked up a small bottle and put it near Yuyuko's mouth, and Yuyuko drank it little by little without using too much force.

Ye Kai looked at the bumpy bodies of the two after being soaked, and couldn't help but feel hot inside.

Yakumo Zi seemed to see through Ye Kai's thoughts, and said with a smile, "Why, really want to?"

Ye Kai nodded quickly.

The corners of Yakumo Zi's mouth turned up slightly, and he said softly: "Then..."

Chapter 327 The Westbound Demon About to Bloom

Early the next morning, Ye Kai woke up full of resentment.

In the end, Yakumo Zi still took Youyuzi away, saying that it was too dangerous to live with a beast like Ye Kai.

Cut, it's not like they never slept together, didn't nothing happen?Um... This seems to be nothing to show off.

It's already night now, and Ye Kai accidentally missed Remi and Fulan's hangover time due to hangover.

Why does it feel so weird today?It seems that the evil spirit is much stronger...

Oops, West Goblin!

the other side.

Yuyuko opened her eyes in a daze, she still remembered some of what happened after yesterday.

It seems that he kissed Brother Yuwen forcibly, and was kissed by Zi Qiang again.

Later, Brother Yuwen took him back to his room...

Strange, why doesn't the bottom hurt at all?Or is it that he has a good physique and recovers quickly?

Could it be that Brother Yuwen just fell asleep, right?Well, it's really...

Yuyuko felt something wrong with the touch on her chest, it wasn't a muscle!She opened her eyes suddenly, only to find Yakumo Zi holding her and looking at her with a smile on her face.


The two of them don't have any strands of hair on their bodies, and their bodies are much better than Kaguya's.

Ye Kai is not blessed to enjoy this eye-catching scene.

But, but this script is wrong!

"Little idiot, you confused the two of us last night. You took away my sister's first kiss, but you have to be responsible." Yakumo Zi lifted Yuyuko's chin with a fan, and said softly.

Naturally, they simply slept and nothing happened.

Even if Zi Yakumo lived... Seventeen years later, she would still be the Zi Yakumo she is now, not the one who will lose her integrity when she walks in the future.

"Ah!" Youyouzi hastily covered his face with his hands, he couldn't see anyone now, it was more terrifying than being carried back by Ye Kai.

Sleeping with Yakumo Zi all night, what is this called!

Yakumo Zi smiled slightly, and the clothes were put on her automatically.

She hooked the quilt with her hand, exposed Youyouzi's plump breasts, and pinched it mischievously twice, and said softly: "It's very interesting, Youyouzi."


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