The huge mouth of Birashu completely covered the West Goblin.

"The Westbound Demon... was eaten?" Youyouzi said in shock.

"No, that thing is a phantom, it can't hold on." Yakumo Zi said in a deep voice.


Bilixiu didn't devour the Westbound Demon, but was blown up instead!

Buraxiu was annihilated bit by bit, and the swamp turned into nothingness, as if it never existed.

Ye Kai, after all, has not yet awakened, so he cannot summon the strongest Buraxiu.

The seven holes opened by the leaves began to flow out blue liquid.

This is the materialization of magic power, he can't bear the feedback brought by Balaxiu at all!

Xixing Yao seemed to be fine, but at the moment just now, at least [-]% of his life force was swallowed up by Buraxiu!

All these dead breaths have been transformed into magic power, how can Ye Kai hold on?


Devil Prison Blood Brake!

Blood gas erupted from the ground along with the magma, completely covering the West Traveling Demon.

Ye Kai's move not only used his own power, but also part of the power of the Westward Demon!

It's a pity that his current body is more and more occupied by the death energy of the Westbound Demon.


The madness on Ye Kai's face disappeared, and he also fell to the ground, life or death unknown!

"Xixingyao...I'll try it!" A cold light flashed in Yakumo Zi's eyes, and the four barrier seals lit up, sealing Xixingyao in the center.

At the end of Ye Kai's trick, Yakumo Zi flew to the opposite side of Xixing Yao, with a folding fan flying in his hand, all those branches were blocked by Yakumo Zi, Yakumo Zi sneered: "It's up to you?"

After finishing speaking, Yakumo Zi placed her plain hand on the trunk of Xixing Yao, and said calmly: "The realm of existence and non-existence."

Ye Kai consumed [-]% of Xixing Yao's demon power, Yakumo Zi was already somewhat sure.

She actually wanted to use the power of her own realm to dissolve the death aura of the Westbound Demon.

Youyouzi hurriedly rushed over to hug Ye Kai, and found that Ye Kai had withdrawn from the ghostly transformation, and his body was twitching.

Although the battle just now was short, Ye Kai used all his big moves, exhausted his magic power, and the death energy of the Westbound Demon was raging everywhere in his body.

His internal organs died and regenerated, reborn and then died, and his weakness recovered extremely quickly!

But the magic power of the newborn will soon be exhausted without Ye Kai's control, and Ye Kai has become such a half-dead look.

"If this continues, he, he will always be like this." Youyouzi said softly.

Youyouzi gritted her teeth, and pressed her lips against Ye Kai's.

Countless dead air slowly flowed into Youyouzi's body along Ye Kai's mouth.

Yuyuko's abilities have the same origin as Saigoyao's, and it is still possible to absorb these things.

Her strength is growing crazily!

Accompanied by that, her vitality is getting less and less.

Yuyuko's hair began to grow straight from black, and then turned pink like cherry blossoms.

Together with her eyes, they also changed little by little, from black to dazzling red.

Behind Youyuko's back, long hair fluttered, as if she was out of control.

Without even thinking about it, Youyouzi picked up Ye Kai's Meteorite Knife and cut it at his hair.

Black long straight, turned into pink shoulder-length short hair.

Those things just now wanted to become fine!Fortunately, Yuyuko discovered it early and dealt with it in time.

Her face became paler and paler.

She felt that if this went on, she would die.

However, she suddenly didn't want to die, or rather, she didn't want to die so vaguely.

After death, if you can't remember him and Zi, what should you do?

In the past few days, she has obtained all the happiness that she never had before.In the past, she was not afraid of death because she had no desires and desires.

But... if she forgets him and Zi, she will not be happy even if she is reincarnated.

No, I can't be reincarnated, even if I become an undead, I still want to live.

Live happily with him and Zi.

They have done so much for me, if I just disappear, how can I be worthy of them?

It was not easy for Zi to change his view of human beings, it was not easy for him to make progress with himself...

All of this cannot be given up!

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