Oops, dead air begins to invade the brain...

So, protect your memory!

Yuyuko's hand clenched into a fist, a black pearl is taking shape in her hand, this is her sealed memory!

Chapter 329 Freshmen

She was afraid that after death qi corroded her brain, her memory would be damaged and she would forget him and Zi.

So, take those memories out!

This method is very weird, and it is a forbidden technique of the Yuyuko Society.

Condensing the memory into a solid body, and after another thousand years, when the black pearl turns into a transparent color, then even if you are an undead, you can absorb this memory again.

This, good memory.

Ye Kai's complexion began to return to blood, but after all, he was eroded by death energy too much, and his hair could no longer recover.

The current Ye Kai lacks a bit of fortitude and has a little more weirdness.

He is becoming more and more like a monster.

In other words, he is no longer human.


"Huh... it succeeded, I don't know how long it can be suppressed." Yakumo Zi murmured.

Xixing Yao has turned into a normal color, and the cherry blossoms on the branches have all disappeared, becoming a little lifeless.

"Yuyuko!" Yakumo Zi had just suppressed Xixing Yao, but found that Yuyuko's vitality was rapidly decreasing.

Youyouzi didn't answer, but continued to absorb the dead energy from Ye Kai's body.

Yakumo Zi could no longer care about flying in her desperation, and directly passed through the gap to Yuyuko's side.

She was about to interrupt Yuyuko's act of sending him to death, but Yuyuko let go of his mouth.

"Huh...it worked..." Youyouzi put down Ye Kai, feeling dizzy for a while.

Yakumo Zi quickly supported Youyuko, let her lie in her arms, and said anxiously: "How can you do this? Isn't our efforts all in vain?"

"Zi, no! Nothing wasted! This is my memory..." Yuyuko raised her hand with difficulty, revealing the black pearl.

"As long as, as long as it leaves my hand, I will forget about you. Wait for this thing to turn into a transparent color before using it for me, and I will be able to remember it." Yuyuko said softly.

"What do you mean?" A bright light flashed in Yakumo Zi's eyes, thinking of a possibility.

"Why would I want to leave you? I will become an undead and accompany you again." Youyouzi said softly.

"Undead?" Yakumo Zi's eyes lit up.

Youyouzi, who became an undead, is the longevity species.

Even if Yuyuko is rescued now, she can only live for a few years.

The longevity species, however, live forever.

In this way, we can be together forever.

Damn, why didn't I think of it before?

"Your efforts are not in vain! If I directly seal the Westbound Demon, then the soul will fly to hell. Whether it can become an undead at that time is not up to me. Now, I have left all Power, you can transform into undead by yourself." Youyuzi smiled, and the blood on his body was slowly fading.

In the original book, it was the four seasons that made her an undead and the lord of the underworld.

But now, Yuyuko is transformed by herself, and it looks like there is no difference.

However, it is better to hold your destiny in your own hands than to leave it in the hands of others.

If Siji's head twitches, thinking that Youyouzi has infinite merits and virtues, and sending her to reincarnate into a good family, it will be bad.

Four Seasons' trial of the undead is indeed very fair, but the appointment of the Lord of the Underworld is a major event after all.

"I won't wait to come to you later. If you become an undead, I will come to you directly, and we will get to know each other again. I believe that we will still be friends." Yakumo Zi said softly.

"Yes, Zi and I will still be friends, I believe!" Yuyuko said softly.

Yakumo Zi glanced at Ye Kai, and continued: "Leave this memory to me for safekeeping."

"This has to be handed over to Brother Yuwen." Youyouzi shook his head and said.

Yakumo Zi's complexion changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Why don't you let me do it?"

"This, because my power is death, which requires the power of ghosts and gods to slowly transform. If Zi forcibly collects the power of ghosts and gods, he will definitely hurt more innocent people. And the power of ghosts and gods in him is generated by himself." Yuyuko explained.

"So that's how it is." Yakumo Zi breathed a sigh of relief.

However, she was still a little unwilling to hand over such a precious thing to others.

"Zi, can you promise me something?" Youyouzi said softly.

"What?" Yakumo Zi said indifferently.

Knowing that Yuyuko would be resurrected, she was not in a hurry.

Reason, also returned to normal.

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