"In the future, try to get along well with humans." Youyouzi said: "Not all people are bad people."

"I...do my best!" Yakumo Zi also knew that in the future, she might not be able to think that everyone should die like before.

After all, there is Yuyuko, the only human friend.

"Zi, although the Westbound Demon is temporarily sealed by you, it will be resurrected in the future..." Youyouzi said softly.

"Ahem..." Ye Kai coughed twice, sat up abruptly, and was relieved to find that Youyouzi was still alive.

"Are you okay?" He snatched Youyouzi over and hugged her in his arms, and said in a deep voice.

Yakumo Zi didn't stop her, but turned her head away.

"Brother Yuwen..."

Ye Kai's expression changed, how could Youyouzi's vitality be so weak?

"I...will not die. I will turn into an undead and stay with you forever. This is my memory. When it is completely transparent, it will be used by my undead. I will remember what happened in the past few days." Youyouzi handed the black pearl to Ye Kai, and said softly: "Thanks to you, my soul doesn't have to go to hell, but... can be transformed into an immortal soul."

Ye Kai was a little dazed by the continuous blows.

It turns out that Yuyuko turned into an undead because of him?

The dead energy in his body was drained, and he didn't even need to think about who did it.

"My corpse, remember to bury it under the Xixing Demon, and suppress it forever." Youyouzi continued.

Youyouzi's corpse automatically absorbed the dead energy, and Xixingyao had no power at all now, so it might be able to catch up with the consumption of Youyouzi's corpse.

That is to say, Xixing Yao became the energy source dedicated to preserving the immortality of Yuyuko's body.

Immortality of the body, the thing that countless people pursue, but Yuyuko can easily achieve it.

"You...know?" Ye Kai said with some distress.

"Even if there is no Westward Demon, I won't be able to live for a few years... Now, maybe it's the best ending?" Youyouzi said softly, "Brother Yuwen, can you kiss me?"

Ye Kai saw that Youyouzi's face was a little rosy, which was already a sign of returning to the light.

Unexpectedly, just after waking up, he encountered such a scene.

Fortunately, he woke up, otherwise he might miss seeing the living Yuyuko for the last time.

He didn't say much, but hugged Yuyuko and kissed her.

Tears slowly welled up in his eyes.

Even if he will become a dead soul in the future, Ye Kai still doesn't want to see Youyouzi leave like this.

He suddenly felt powerless. Human life is really short and fragile.

He wanted to save Yuyuko, but in the end he didn't succeed, and he couldn't let her die.

However, he got a Yuyuko who will exist forever.

The gains and losses are already a little unclear.

"Brother Yuwen, I love you..."

The aura on Youyouzi's body gradually disappeared.

All that was left was a cold corpse and a black pearl.

Ye Kai put away the black pearl, hugged Youyouzi horizontally, walked towards Xixing Yao, and slowly got under it.

"Do you need help?" Yakumo Zi asked softly.

Ye Kai looks normal now, but the more normal people are at this time, the more abnormal they are.

If you cry and laugh, this can also infer the behavior afterward.

However, if the behavior is normal, it means that no one knows what he will do!

Ye Kai shook his head.

He held Youyouzi in one hand, and pulled out the Yilong Sword with the other, digging down bit by bit.Yilong Sword-Choice, the name of the sword matches the current scene really well...

Is this Yuyuko's choice?

The ground, which was extremely hard before, has now become soft.

Soon, Ye Kai dug to a depth of more than ten meters, which is directly below the Xixing Yao.

Bypassing countless branches, Ye Kai cleared out a wide space.

He exchanged for a black ice coffin in the system store, put Yuyuko in it carefully, posed in a comfortable position, and kissed her on the forehead.

The lid of the coffin was slowly closed by him, and after death, Yuyuko held her hands in the center of her abdomen, with a smile that would never fade away on the corner of her mouth.

The leaves are opened and the soil is filled.

The soil is all placed in the space backpack, just let it out.

After Yuyuko was locked underground, the ground became extremely hard again.

He suddenly wanted to go out for a walk more, quietly.

His brain is now in a blank state, and he suddenly doesn't know what to do.

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