Should cry?Or should I get drunk?

His body trembled.

Yakumo Zi's complexion changed slightly. In his state, wouldn't it be that he was about to turn into a ghost again?

But before Ye Kai could move, someone interrupted him.

A soul slowly flew out from the ground. She has no memories of her life, but she has common sense of her life.

She didn't expect that when she came out, she saw two people looking at her strangely.

Ye Kai's heart was ashamed, and he held it back in an instant, and even suffered internal injuries.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Ye Kai's mouth.


She opened the folding fan, looked at the strange two people with some confusion, and said, "Ah, who are you? Why do I think you are so familiar?"

Chapter 330 Still The Familiar You

Two hours later, Ye Kai, Yakumo Zi, Yaoji, and Youyuko were sitting at a stone table.

It was only then that Youyouzi realized who these people were.

How she died, everyone did not tell the truth, fearing that she would not be able to stand the excitement, they only said that she died of illness.

As for where her body was buried, and who that body was under Xixing Yao, no one told her the truth.

The current Yuyuko is a bit like a bear child, if he goes to see that corpse on a whim, it will be broken.

Everyone only told her that if that corpse appeared, many people would die because of her.

Yuyuko doesn't think that death is a bad thing, does she die herself?

Now, she doesn't remember anything.

Ye Kai is also very helpless in this matter, he can only slowly teach Youyouzi that killing people is not good...Damn it, give me back my pure and kind Youyouzi!

As for Yakumo Zi, she said that there was no fluctuation in her heart, and she even wanted to laugh.

The guy who had just advised himself not to kill anyone actually thought that death was a good thing.

Yakumo Zi didn't say much, anyway, Yuyuko is Yuyuko no matter what.

As long as that memory bead is transparent, the complete Yuyuko will come back, sooner or later.

In terms of ability, the current Youyouzi can control those mana, or dead energy, at will.The body that couldn't hold the huge capacity originally became the current body that can cultivate without restriction.

"Ala, these are not important. By the way, Yaoji, you are my court teacher, right? Why don't you prepare dinner?" Yuyuko stared at Yaoji and said.

"Dinner? Didn't everyone eat and chat just now?" Yaoji is a court teacher and not a chef, how could he be cooking all the time...

In the past, Youyouzi was full after eating just one or two pieces of dim sum, but this time she ate all the dim sum, but she was still fine.

"Aren't you their family teacher? Dinner is dinner, supper is supper, Lord Youyouzi wants to eat supper!" Youyouzi pointed at Yaoji with a fan.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched, and all the sadness before was suppressed.

In other words, is this the virtue that Yuyuko just turned into a ghost?In the past, I thought it was because she had been with Zi Yakumo for a long time that she became that unscrupulous girl.

Yakumo Zi said, I will not take this blame!

Creatures like undead, as long as they are born, either have deep obsessions and memories of life.Or it is that Youyouzi's current virtue has become what he most yearned for in his lifetime.

So, Ye Kai can understand that there are things that can never be eaten, but what Youyouzi yearns for is a cute thing?

How did he know that Youyouzi has always been envious of those children who can act like a baby casually.

The current Youyouzi, who often acts like a baby, is always cute and rolls around, isn't she just like the children she yearns for?

Uh... sixteen years old, I can still look forward to it.

"I, I'll go right away...Miss, you should understand the difference between a court teacher and a chef..." Yaoji couldn't help feeling disillusioned seeing the young lady's undead becoming such a virtue.

"Well, Yuwensang, are you sure you are my boyfriend? But why do I feel that you seem to have taken something important from me, and if you don't give it back to me, I will be very unhappy." Yuyuko was a little curious the way.

"That thing was given to me for safekeeping before you were alive, and I can't give it to you no matter what!" Ye Kai said firmly.

That memory bead contained not only her memory, but also Xixing Yao's death energy. Ye Kai put it in the space of the backpack, and kept pouring the power of ghosts and gods into it for purification.

"Ah, it's obviously mine. You must not be his boyfriend, otherwise you wouldn't treat me like this." Youyouzi pouted.

"Well, whether I am or not, I can't give it to you. Well, how about it, I will return it to you at a certain time." Ye Kai thought for a while.

"Tell me, what time, Lord Yuyuko is very patient." Youyuko smiled lightly.

Ye Kai traced the development of the matter, as if no matter what he did, it would become history.

Yakumozi knew Yuwentuo, and so did Yuyuko, but he had never heard of them.

It's a taboo, and I said something about an apostle.

By the way, isn't the race I reported an apostle?He also said that his sword energy was very similar to his own, so it should be him!

Saying so...

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