Yaoji raised a question mark on his forehead, wondering if Ye Kai was being funny.

Chapter 332 Goodbye Kaguya

Noon the next day.

Ye Kai returned to Taketori Ong's house, so as not to cause trouble to the two old people, he casually climbed over the wall and entered.

None of the guards left by the nobles found Ye Kai.

Even Hui Ye didn't find Ye Kai, this is the benefit of a high level.

Ye Kai opened Hui Ye's door, and said casually, "I'm back...er..."

Kaguya was completely naked, and just stepped out of one leg, ready to take a bath in the bathtub.

She also looked at Ye Kai in a daze, opened her mouth slightly, and said tremblingly: "You, you bastard, did you do it on purpose?"

As soon as the words fell, all the clothes fell on her in an instant.

She was still thinking, Ye Kai has been out for so long, when will he come back.

I was at home alone, without the harassment of those nobles, and I suddenly became so boring.

"Are you still talking about me? Why are you taking a bath at noon!" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

The first time is raw and the second time is familiar, he said that he is used to it.

"No road race! Let me die ten thousand times!" Hui Ye, who was usually very calm, also became restless.

"You really look like my young lady. I'll just tell you that I'm fine, and then I'll say hello to you." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

Boom, boom, boom.

Hui Ye strode up to Ye Kai, raised her pretty face, stared at Ye Kai and said, "Tell me, did you do it on purpose?"

Ye Kai looked down at Hui Ye and said, "It's really not intentional."

Hui Ye took a deep breath, feeling a little helpless, forget it, if you are seen, you will be seen, anyway, it is not the first time.

If the future sister-in-law knows, she will definitely give Ye Kai thirty-two likes...

Because if Kaguya is involved in this, Meihong will definitely feel very relieved.

No matter what you have done before, don't you still have to be Lao Tzu's daughter-in-law now?

Of course, with Hui Ye's personality, it's impossible to follow suit like this. What she thought more about was to silence Ye Kai, and if she couldn't, she would be imprisoned.

But, Ye Kai's combat power is too terrifying, she seems unable to do it by herself.

After Ye Kai turned into a ghost that night, Hui Ye was actually a little worried, so he went back and took a look.

At that time, the battle was too fierce and there were too many big monsters, so Kaguya withdrew decisively.

She knew how attractive her physique was to monsters.

As long as you get Hui Ye, it is equivalent to having an extra ration that you can't finish!

Fortunately, none of those monsters cannibalize except for Rumia, who was also entangled by Cirno, otherwise she would be miserable.

As for monsters without transformation, they can't beat Kaguya.

Kaguya had never seen so many big monsters fighting together, this time it gave her a memory, so she didn't dare to go out indiscriminately again.

Although the monsters on the ground are filthy, in terms of combat power, they are almost the same as the top combat power on the moon.

Those who were present at that time, except for the ghosts and bogeys, were all big monsters, and they were definitely not weaker than the master.

Ground, when did it become so powerful?

It would be great if the master was here, her enchantment technique is Ye Kai's nemesis.If she is here, I don't have to worry about it.

Although Ye Kai's ghostly deification is powerful, he is definitely not the master's opponent!

"You're staring at me like that, do you want me to kiss you?" Seeing Hui Ye staring at him, Ye Kai asked in confusion.

"You are too narcissistic, how can I like dirty ground monsters." Hui Ye pouted.

Pinch, pinch.

Ye Kai held Hui Ye's face with both hands, and whispered: "Aren't you still on the ground?"

"Hmph!" Hui Ye shook his head and pulled away Ye Kai's hand.

"Okay, good boy, let's go to Kyoto tonight, and I'll apologize to you, okay?" Ye Kai patted Hui Ye's little head and said with a smile.

"Hmph, who cares?"

Kyoto at night.

"Stupid, how about this concubine's clothes?" Hui Ye walked around in front of Ye Kai and said with a smile.

This is Ye Kai's custom-made bathrobe. There is no such thing at this time. Fortunately, Ye Kai has watched a lot of island country movies and knows the general structure.

"The princess is so beautiful." Ye Kai nodded.

"Today I have to take a good look around." Hui Ye laughed.

I said no before, but now my body is very honest...

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