With Ye Kai escorting him, Hui Ye felt that his sense of security had soared a lot, and he was no longer holding back.

The small stalls on the road and the dimly lit night all attracted Hui Ye deeply.

Although there are not many entertainment projects in this era, Kaguya still likes to come out to play, and doesn't like to hold back at home.

"Don't you watch juggling?" Ye Kai followed Hui Ye and asked softly.

"No, they don't have any magic power at all, they're just trying to please the public." Hui Ye rolled his eyes and said.

Ye Kai took Hui Ye's little hand and walked on the road.

Kaguya is only interested in things that look delicious, and now her small mouth is already full.

"How about it, are you having fun?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

After coming out with Kaguya, the weird feeling in my heart faded a lot.

Yuyuko became an undead as soon as he died, and became the one he knew.It's really... making people unable to complain.

"Unhappy, I want those board games you mentioned." Kaguya puffed his cheeks and said.

Kaguya before looked at the creatures on the ground with expressions of contempt.

This is the reason why Huiye at this time would not like Ye Kai no matter what. Her moon-like mentality made her feel that the creatures on the ground are all low-level creatures, no matter how powerful they are.

Marry or even mate with lower creatures?how is this possible!Just like people can't be with animals.

She didn't know that in the future, people and animals are not impossible...

Now, although she is a little better, she has not been completely seduced by the colorful world on the ground.

The main reason is that there are too few entertainment projects now.

"Okay, can I give you the legend of Hearthstone?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"You hateful guy, you really have stock!" Hui Ye jumped on Ye Kai's body, pulling Ye Kai's face and said.

"Hey, hello, lady, lady!" Ye Kai had a painful expression on his face.

"Hmph, let you deceive my concubine!" Hui Ye jumped down.

"Think about the first thing I want you to do. Tomorrow, go and get a phoenix inner alchemy for me!" Hui Ye pointed at Ye Kai.

"Is that thing useful if you want it? Phoenix, is it easy to kill?" Ye Kai asked doubtfully.

"It's not very powerful, you haven't reached the realm of a big monster, you can kill it easily. I want that inner alchemy...can I keep it?" Hui Ye planned to use eternal power to bless the inner alchemy so that it could not be revived.

At that time, whoever takes it as the medicine of Penglai will be tortured by the rebirth of the phoenix!

"Okay, okay, idle is idle anyway." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

Phoenix?The ability of the boss is the flame of the phoenix, I hope it is not as powerful as the boss.

333 Three Years

Ye Kai didn't lie to Hui Ye, and really helped her get the inner alchemy of the phoenix.

When Ye Kai came back, he was very embarrassed.

It wasn't that he was beaten by Phoenix, but he was riding on Phoenix's back at that time. Phoenix took him to the sun flower field with the principle of dying together...

Ye Kai didn't even think about it, he turned into a ghost decisively, and fought with You Xiang for an entire hour.

When Ye Kai's ghostly deification was over, You Xiang threw Ye Kai out of the dead fish together with the phoenix.

When Ye Kai woke up, Kazami Youxiang told him that he was welcome to be a guest at any time.

You Xiang had already beaten Ye Kai to death, but unexpectedly, after one night, he was alive and kicking again.

She had a great time playing yesterday. Thinking about a guy like Ye Kai, it's better to keep it, otherwise it will cause a psychological shadow all of a sudden, what should I do if I don't come to her and let her abuse him?

Of course Ye Kai patted his chest to promise that he would visit You Xiang often.But his real thought is: even if he finds a hundred beauties to turn him around in the future, he will not come to this cheating Sunflower Field in the past.

Neidan, who was holding the phoenix, withdrew decisively.

Phoenix's strength is not a little bit worse than Meihong's, at least not like Meihong's super fast rebirth, less proficient control, and stronger demon power.

If you don't count Kazami Yuka, the task is fairly easy to complete.

For the next three years, Ye Kai ran between Taketori Weng's house and Baiyulou.

He took Huiye to Baiyulou to play with Youyouzi, and Huiye also enjoyed a lot of people.

Two people can play Hearthstone and Monopoly, but who is more interesting?

When there are many people, you can not only play Monopoly, but also play Three Kingdoms. Please close your eyes when it gets dark.

It's a pity, please close your eyes when it's dark, as long as you play, the losers will always be Yuyuko and Yaoji.

Yakumo Zi, a voyeur, and Kaguya, a ghost, are not easy to mess with.

As for Ye Kai, every time he plays, it's when Fulan and Remi let off steam...

Yakumo Lan transformed into the Yakumo Lan that Ye Kai was familiar with. Although she was very old-fashioned, she was not a guy who held grudges.

These three years can be said to be the happiest time in Hui Ye's life.

We not only played games together, but also went shopping together, swaggered together, fought together, drank together, and soaked in hot springs together.

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