Of course, Ye Kai and Yaoji soaked in the hot springs together.

Ye Kai and Youyouzi didn't make any progress. Youyouzi unexpectedly admitted to death in this matter. If she couldn't see the green moon and couldn't receive what Ye Kai wanted to return to her, she wouldn't admit to Ye Kai. It's his boyfriend.

Thanks to Ye Kai, he robbed the rich and helped the poor every three days, and brought her food...

Compared with several people, Kaguya has changed the most.Taketori Ong Taketori was kind to her, and the flowery world on the ground was much more human than the cold moon.

She found that she had fallen in love with the ground and didn't want to go back to the moon.

Besides, if you go back to the moon, who will play board games with you?She has fallen in love with this game.

But... the time for her exile has come, what should I do?

Fortunately, Ye Kai owed her one thing, at worst, let Ye Kai kill all those envoys of the moon!

Don't look at Ye Kai's usual leisurely manner, whether it's killing people or monsters, as long as it's time to kill, he has never been soft-hearted.

Ye Kai's character should not reject her, Hui Ye said that she is the real planner.

But before leaving, she still had to teach those nobles an unforgettable lesson. Her phoenix plan hadn't been implemented yet.

As for the relationship between several people, it is also very strange.Ye Kai is very good to Yakumo Zi, Yuyuko, and Hui Ye.

Yakumo Lan is only responsible for Yakumo Zi, Yaoji only agrees with Yuyuko, and Kaguya only agrees with Ye Kai.

Except for Ye Kai, Yakumo Zi, and Yuyuko, who can be regarded as a small group, they are all single contacts.

There is no way, this is a matter of compatibility... If you can become a good friend, you will soon become a good friend, and if you cannot, you will never be able to become a good friend.

Of course, Kaguya is not the only one who has changed.

Yakumo Zi is planning a big event.

Although the number of monsters is increasing, the increase is far less than that of humans.

Clenched fists are powerful, so she plans to move the monsters to Gensokyo first.

Gensokyo is still inhabited by humans, it is the place of people.Yakumo Zi is going to make an agreement with the monsters who are about to migrate, that the rabbits will not eat the grass beside the nest, and will not prey among the people.

In the current world, there are monsters everywhere. Those humans have long been used to it. It is not safe anywhere. Anyway, there are countless powerful mana monks and demon masters living among humans.

As for the expansion of Gensokyo monsters in the future, as well as the war on the moon, Zi Yakumo didn't think that far away for the time being.

The three years of ordinary time made Ye Kai a little uncomfortable. Although he often fought, he hadn't felt any signs of time travel until now.

No, let him stay here for [-] years, right?going crazy, okay...

Fortunately, one day, he received a system prompt.

[Hidden mission completed: Westbound Demon]

【Reward: None】

[Do another hidden task, you can travel through]

Ye Kai wanted to see the reminder and suddenly realized that the second mission had already started, otherwise there would be no such inexplicable reminder.

Taketori Tale, it should be over soon, right?

Today was supposed to go to Baiyulou for a party as usual, but someone interrupted the party and found Hui Ye.

Prince Ishizuku was the first to come. He went to a certain mountain temple in the ten cities of Yamato, and took the soot-blackened bowl in front of Bintoulu, and put it in a kit with artificial flowers on it. For decoration.

And Ye Kai took the kit, threw the things into the curtain, and looked at him with a smile on his face.

Prince Shizuo couldn't help feeling a little regretful whether he saw Hui Ye or not.

"How about it, haven't you worked hard these past few years?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

"After going through thousands of dangers, it can be regarded as fulfilling the mission." Prince Shi Zuo said indifferently.

Hui Ye was holding the bowl, with a funny face on his face, when they were shopping a while ago, they saw this prince who had gone to sea looking for flowers and asking willows.

Wait, this thing is weird.She reached into the bowl and found a piece of paper.When I opened it, there was a poem written on the paper: Crossing the sea and Chaoshan, I spent my heart and soul, and I took the stone bowl and cried.

Kaguya wanted to see if there was light in the bowl, but found that there was no light like fireflies.So I answered him with a poem: "There is no glimmer of light, probably taken from Xiaocang Mountain."

"This..." After all, Prince Shi Zuo didn't really go to Tianzhu, and he was sweating coldly upon hearing this.


The bowl was thrown in front of him.

Unwilling to give up, he pushed out the bowl again, and said in a soft voice, "The bowl is self-defeating to the beauty, and I will not throw the bowl at you today."

Hui Ye was too lazy to talk to him, Ye Kai said loudly: "Next!"

That's right, they seem to have an appointment, the "task" that the five of them will complete together.

Chapter 334 Counterfeit goods

This bastard went down, but Fujiwara couldn't wait for the next one.

He arranged it painstakingly in advance, and as soon as he arrived at Namba Port, he immediately called six people including Uemaro, the first-rate craftsman at that time, to find a place that was hard to come by, and built a house with a strong door. These six people live in it.

Moreover, he donated the sixteen manors under his own jurisdiction to the gods and Buddhas, and made jade branches with the help of the gods and Buddhas.

This jade branch was actually manufactured exactly as Ye Kai requested.A few days ago, this guy suddenly appeared in Namba Port, and everyone thought he brought the Horai Jade Branch.

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