He put the jade branches in a long box covered with Lingjin, and walked ashore with them.

Immediately, I came to look for Kaguya.

Of course, this is called...

Ye Kai looked strange, these guys should have been discussed, no one can come first, fair competition.

After Fujiwara Bubi waited to see Ye Kai, he said with a look of exhaustion: "I almost lost my life, and finally got this jade branch. Please show it to Princess Huiye quickly!"

Ye Kai took the things and threw them in.

"You, what if it breaks?" Fujiwara Bubiwai was shocked.

Ye Kai didn't know that he was his "grandfather", so he rolled his eyes and said, "How can a real treasure be damaged like this?"

Hui Ye opened the brocade box, and there was a piece of paper inside. Like the guy before, he wrote a poem: After a long march of thousands of miles, I will never return without breaking the jade branch.

Hui Ye couldn't help feeling a little amused, she had read Ye Kai's collection of poems, and there was a passage in it: The yellow sand wears golden armor in all battles, and if you don't break Loulan, you will never return it.

This Fujiwara is not waiting, not only using fake Penglai jade branches to fool himself, but also plagiarizing...

Ye Kai looked at Fujiwara Bubi with some amusement and said, "By the way, can you tell me where this thing came from?"

Fujiwara was ready earlier than waiting, cleared his throat, and said vividly: "I set off from Namba Port by boat. At first, when the boat was in the sea, I didn't know which direction to go.

However, I made up my mind that if this wish is not fulfilled, I will not be a human being, so I let my boat drift with the wind.

I thought: If you are dead, there is nothing you can do; as long as you are alive, you will always find this Penglai Mountain.

After drifting for a long time, the boat finally left my country and drifted far away.

Sometimes the wind and waves were so strong that the ship seemed to sink to the bottom of the sea.Sometimes I was blown by the wind to inexplicable lands, and some ghosts came out of them, and I was almost killed by them.Sometimes I lose my way altogether and become lost in the sea.Sometimes when the food is gone, the grass roots are used as a meal.

Sometimes something very scary comes and tries to devour us.Sometimes they take seashells to satisfy their hunger and save their lives.Sometimes when I get sick, there is no one to help me on the journey, so I have to resign myself to fate.

Living in a boat like this, let it wander for five hundred days.On the morning of the fifth hundredth day, at about Chen's hour, a mountain was suddenly seen in the distance in the sea, and everyone was overjoyed.

I looked out from the boat and saw this mountain floating on the sea. It was very big, very tall, and had a very beautiful shape.

I thought, this is probably the Penglai Mountain I was looking for, and I was ecstatic for a while.

However, I always felt a little scary, so I sailed around the mountain and observed it for two or three days.

Suddenly one day, a woman dressed as a fairy came down from the mountain and fetched water in a silver bowl.So we also landed in a boat and asked the woman: What is the name of this mountain?The woman replied: This is Mount Penglai..."

"I know the rest, it's really hard for you..." Ye Kai said with some sighs.

"As long as you can show your sincerity to the princess, Fujiwara can bear no matter how hard it is!" Fujiwara said forcefully.

"By the way, how much does it cost to make a Penglai jade branch?" Ye Kai said casually.

"I haven't paid... how much is it? I got it through untold hardships." Fujiwara couldn't help being a little annoyed when he almost leaked his words under the complacency of waiting.

"My lord princess, please give me the Penglai jade branch." Ye Kailang said.


The Penglai jade branch flew out and landed in Ye Kai's hand.

Fujiwara didn't wait for his face to change, he thought only Ye Kai was capable, but he didn't expect that the rumored charming Kaguya would have such strength.

You know, this Penglai jade branch is not light!


Ye Kai shook his hand hard, and the jade branch broke into two sections.

Fujiwara turned pale with fright, pointed at Ye Kai and shouted: "What are you doing! I don't care, I have already offered a jade branch, according to the agreement, Kaguya Ji must marry me!"

"Princess, please take out the real Penglai jade branch." Ye Kai ignored him and picked his ears.


An emerald green branch was thrown out, and the leaves on it were so delicate and beautiful, as if they had just been broken off.

Ye Kai broke it, didn't move it, and said with a smile: "This is the real Penglai jade branch, yours is mortal, and this is the god."

"You..." Fujiwara waited for his face to change wildly.

If his words spread, he will be ridiculed by the world, and even his political career will be cut off!The public opinion of foolish people does not matter, but there are definitely many political enemies in his court.

"Come on!"

Fujiwara shouted loudly.

bang, bang, bang...

Countless armored soldiers rushed in.

"You still said you didn't go home?" Ye Kai's mouth curled up, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!


Sword light flashed.

Fujiwara was no one else, his right arm was broken at the shoulder!


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