"very painful……"

"My hand, my hand!"

Ye Kai's sword was very measured, he used the way of drawing the knife and cutting, coupled with the burning effect of the meteor knife, they didn't even need to stop the bleeding.

Not a single drop of blood came out.

"Hold your hands, and this impostor, get out." Ye Kai said indifferently.

In Fujiwara Bubiwai's ears, Ye Kai's voice was like thunder.

He didn't dare to stay for long, and hurriedly left with his men.

This time, Ye Kai was already showing mercy.

They rushed to kill everyone here, and took Hui Ye by the way.

It's not that Ye Kai doesn't want to kill them, but he can't cause trouble for Taketori Ong and the others.

As for future revenge?joke!

Although Ye Kai has never participated in politics, he also knows that Fujiwara is in an unequaled position, but many people are envious!

Those people will help Ye Kai deal with all this.

It can be said that the Fujiwara family is over.

The rest, a fake wine gourd, an artificially cultivated sunflower, and a brand-new jade seal handed down to the country, none of them escaped Ye Kai's eyes.


"How is it, my lord princess, did you handle it well?" Ye Kai asked Hui Ye with a smile.

"What kind of reward do you want? Do you want me to be your concubine?" Hui Ye rolled his eyes at Ye Kai.

She also discovered that Ye Kai really doesn't get in...

"Forget it, I can support myself. By the way, do you want to see what happened to those people?" Ye Kai said with a smile on his face.

Chapter 335 The Destruction of the Fujiwara Family

Ye Kai and Hui Ye enter the city in disguise.

It's not long after I cheated someone this time, after all, I can't be too swaggering.

Yuyuko and Zi Yakumo also hid in the gap and peeked.

The five guys who came to present the treasure, except Prince Shi Zuo, had accidents at home.

Originally, they controlled the government, and the emperor had nothing to do.

But this time, Kaguya gave the Emperor a chance!All the dead soldiers he had secretly cultivated before were used.

Miyako Fujiwara wanted to intercede with the emperor, but in the vortex of power, what role could she have as a woman?Before she could go out, she was assassinated by the emperor who was afraid of her tipping off.

A one-night couple, a hundred days of grace, has no effect in front of the royal family.

And Fujiwara's house is already on fire!

"Quick, put out the fire!"

"Oops, the study is on fire!"

"Where's my lord?"

"Master is gone!"

"What? Who was the last seen?"

"This is how to do?"

"Go and find the eldest lady!"

Kaguya, Ye Kai, Yuyuko, and Yakumo Zi watched coldly from the sky not far away, without any intention of making a move.

This time it is a political struggle, and it will never end!The emperor was afraid of Fujiwara's unequaled counterattack, and he would definitely kill him!

It took only half a day for the reputation of the five to be ruined, and the revenge of the political enemies in the DPRK and China came as suddenly as a storm.

At this moment, the shouts of killing sounded, and countless men in black rushed into the mansion of the Fujiwara family.


"Someone trespassed on Fujiwara's house, where's the samurai?"

"Quick, ah..."

"No, don't kill me..."

"Ya Die, what are you going to do, I am Mr. Fujiwara's stepwife..."

"Hey hey, guess what?"

"Wow, I found a good one. This is his second daughter, right?"

"Kill, kill them all!"

A small figure secretly watched from a distance, but did not go back.

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