For her, everyone in the Fujiwara family, except her father, deserved to die!

But my father is also missing...

Don't think about it, he must have been assassinated, it's really abominable.

Kaguya Hime?I am at odds with you!

She was alone and alone, and there was nothing she could do.

Now, the seeds of hatred have been planted.She also knew that if she wanted revenge, she had to protect herself.

At least, let's see what Kaguya looks like!In the future, look for opportunities slowly.

Meihong's heart was icy cold, and the fire that soared into the sky burned her young heart.

Fortunately, I went out to learn to fly secretly.Otherwise, would there be one of the people inside?

No, I am strong, I can protect myself!

Ye Kai didn't know that the strength of his actions was a fool.

But that's fine too, even if Meihong's power becomes stronger and her father values ​​her, she will only be a tool for marriage in the future.

As long as the emperor grows out of control, what is happening now will happen sooner or later.

Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

There will be a complete reshuffle throughout Kyoto.

"Most of the humans on the ground are still like this." Kaguya said with a sigh.

"Yeah, this kind of thing can only be blamed on themselves. The higher you stand, the more painful you fall. If there is no absolute guarantee of force, power is just a joke." Ye Kai shook his head and said.

"You two, all of this was caused by you." Yakumo Zi said indifferently.

"We just speeded up the process. Besides, I don't think their death is a sad thing." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"Ah, I haven't received a single ghost. It seems that none of them are worthy of becoming a Buddha." Youyouzi said dissatisfied.

She found that she still likes ghosts, and those things look very delicious like mochi.

Even if you can't eat it, it's good to see it.

"Do you want to continue watching? Your Royal Highness." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Having seen too much life and death, Ye Kai's heart has long been numb.

Be it human or demon, no one can escape this great horror.

"Look, I don't know what to do when I go back." Hui Ye rolled her eyes and said.

"Human beings are crueler to themselves than us monsters." Yakumo Zi said softly.

Those guys killed and tortured people, as if it had become instinctive.

"Because, this is the tradition of this country." Ye Kai grinned mockingly.

Fortunately, fortunately, this is ancient times. If it is modern, he might go down and kill himself to have a good time.

Although it is not a history, it is not a world.

"Ala, I don't understand very well." Youyuko said a little confused.

"You don't need to know too much about these things. Believe it or not, they are killing so happily now, tomorrow it will be as if nothing happened. Hui Ye, by then, you will be ready to welcome the emperor's marriage proposal." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes eyes said.

"Him? He will also come to ask for marriage?" Hui Ye was stunned for a moment.

"Tonight's political reshuffle, the families of four important ministers were ruined, and the emperor showed his wrists, so naturally he will not stop his actions. If he marries you, then it means that everything he did was correct." Ye Kai said indifferently. road.

"Is there a connection?" Hui Ye asked a little confused.

She thought of a ghostly idea, but she was not very good at this kind of thing.

"Of course. The five of them didn't marry you, which means that the moon doesn't agree with them. If the emperor succeeds, the emperor's ruling power will be consolidated. You are still a legendary beauty, and he will not suffer.

Even if she didn't get married, it can be said that she just wanted to help the five loyal courtiers fulfill their wishes. "Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Is that so... not good, let's go home!" Hui Ye's face changed.

After listening to Ye Kai's words, she immediately realized that success is obviously more beneficial to the Emperor!

Now her house is not guarded by any noble soldiers.

If the emperor wanted to capture Taketori Ong and Taketori Po and force her to submit, that would be bad!

Ye Kai and Hui Ye had been at home before, and nothing like this had happened before, so they relaxed their vigilance.

Fortunately, Hui Ye had a quick mind, and instantly thought of the weak defense at home.

After speaking, Hui Ye grabbed Ye Kai's hand and flew towards the home.

Although Yakumo Zi's gap is faster.

However, Kaguya couldn't trust Yakumo Zi.


When Kaguya was in a hurry, his speed was absolutely incomparable.

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