Sure enough, you won't be unlucky forever!

Seeing the wild boar rushing towards him, Ye Kai was ecstatic!And the wild boar thinks so too...

A week's worth of meat is all there is to it.

Ye Kai raised the sword in his hand and stared at the wild boar. As long as it rushed to a certain range, Ye Kai would slash it with a wave, and then give it a sword on the head, and dinner would be served.

But an accident happened, and before Ye Kai could make a move, the wild boar suddenly lost its eyes, and then rushed a few steps according to inertia.


Can't afford to fall.

Ye Kai walked over suspiciously, and found that the wild boar died in an instant.

How is it possible, even if there are some signs of death, it is unscientific to die like this.

"Ala, Ala, it was Yuyuko-sama who killed it."

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared behind Ye Kai. Although he couldn't hear what he said, it made his hair stand on end.

How many times has this happened?Can't feel the breath of the thief in the gap, can't feel the breath of Hakurei Reimu, can't feel the breath behind.

The self-confidence he built in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean is crumbling little by little.

Is this the world he is familiar with?Why are there so many inhuman powerhouses.

Ye Kai turned around cautiously, held the sword in both hands, raised it in front of him, and said vigilantly: "Who are you? Wait, Miss Youyouzi?"

Ye Kai froze for a moment when he saw her appearance, and quickly withdrew his sword.

He knows this person, and occasionally haunts restaurants in Renzhi, and every time she spends alone, she will reach the sales of a hotel for a month.

But in the end, they were all dragged away by a young man who seemed to be her owner?Every time that boy checks out, the expression on his face that is about to cry is really pitiful.

But you still have to pay for food...

Fortunately, the food crops in Gensokyo are particularly high, otherwise Ye Kai doubts whether the food in the outside world would be enough for this girl to eat alone.

Youyouzi opened his fan, fanned the wind, and said in surprise: "Do you know Lord Youyouzi?"

She was idle and bored in Baiyulou, and seeing Yaomeng not paying attention to her, she sneaked out.As for why come out?Of course, I went to find food from another world.

She had already remembered where Ye Kai's home was, and after she came out, she followed the magic forest to look for it, but she happened to meet Ye Kai.

And Ye Kai = gourmet food.

Ye Kai knew her before, but she might not have known Ye Kai before!There are so many faces in the crowd, Yuyuko basically doesn't remember them, only remembers stronger guys, or restaurants with delicious food.

Ye Kai stuffed the sword into the space backpack, spread his hands and said: "There are not many people who don't know Miss Youyouzi."

A cute girl like Youyouzi is exactly Ye Kai's favorite, she eats like a squirrel, she's so cute, every time she sees that face, she wants to pinch her face, but he doesn't dare.

This guy is a ghost, and his ability is in the first echelon of Gensokyo.

Seeing that Ye Kai knew her, Youyouzi was not polite. He pinched his waist with one hand and pointed at Ye Kai with the other: "Since you know Lord Youyouzi, you should invite Lord Youyouzi to dinner. I killed this wild boar! If you If you don't follow, Lord Youyuko will eat you."

Ye Kai was sweating all of a sudden, what happened to these girls, they were all so cruel.

But Youyouzi doesn't eat people, he knows this, otherwise he wouldn't come to eat in the place of people often.In other words, as long as a transformed monster has an IQ, it won't do something so tasteless as cannibalism.

And monsters with a relatively young mental age can't beat Meihong basically.

Of course, except for the two loli sisters who just came to Gensokyo yesterday...

Although he could also kill the wild boar, he was too clever to reason with the woman, so at worst, he would come back to hunt tomorrow.

This wild boar should feed two people... right?

Ye Kai walked in front carrying the wild boar, and Youyouzi followed behind him, and the two returned to Ye Kai's small hut just like that.

Shaved, gutted, put on the oven, and a large pot, ready to be grilled and pork stewed.

Youyouzi just sat at the side like this, watching Ye Kai busy with a smile, and didn't feel any embarrassment at all.

Maybe I have been with Yakumo Zi for a long time, and I have long forgotten what integrity is.

"The meat is here!"

In less than an hour, Ye Kai finished cooking a huge wild boar, and the food in the house was also ready.

But when he came out with the rice, something horrifying happened.

The pig's head, four pig's trotters, a plate of pork liver, and a plate of fat intestines that were put on the table all disappeared.

And Youyouzi's mouth is swollen like a squirrel, it looks like she did it.

Ye Kai didn't worry about it too much, after all, Yuyuko's Xiangrenzhizato Guard Team once formed a team to observe.

He sighed helplessly, took out a big pot of rice, then walked behind Youyouzi, patted her on the back lightly, and said softly: "Eat slowly, delicious food needs to be savored and enjoyed. If you eat like this, you will not be able to remember many flavors, and you will easily choke on it.”

It's obviously a ghost, but Ye Kai's hand seems to be photographing a real person, but it's a little cold.

What he doesn't know is that unless Yuyuko is willing, he can't touch it.

Youyouzi raised her head, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Kai suspiciously, and she chewed lightly with her mouth.

So cute, I can't stand it!

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