Ye Kai wasn't trying to kill himself, he just remembered a younger sister in his previous life, she also devoured food like this, so he patted her on the back and told her to slow down.

But this habit has been used for nearly ten years and the other party has not been able to change it. Now she should get married, and the child will be big, right?


Youyouzi swallowed the food, gave Ye Kai a bright smile and said, "Okay, but Lord Youyouzi wants to eat the special products you brought from another world."

Chapter 37

"Big brother, Rumia is hungry!"

Just as Ye Kai was interacting with Youyouzi, a loli ran over.

Through Wenwen news, Ye Kai also knew that he and Meihong had been separated for a day, but he didn't expect that this little monster didn't come yesterday, it seems that he still has a conscience.

What he didn't know was that Rumia didn't come yesterday not because of anything else, but because... she got lost.

I just found Ye Kai's residence today.

Youyouzi was surprised, this little ghost is not very popular.

If you have too many debts, you don't worry, if you have too many lice, you don't itch, and Ye Kai is also broken.

Ye Kai picked up Lumia who almost fell down, put it on the chair beside Youyouzi, touched her little head, and said with a smile: "Hey, big brother will cook for you."

Rumia nodded obediently.

Ye Kai first handed Lumia a pork leg to prevent her from starving, then cleaned up the rest, and then made a new table out of wood. This was a long table five times larger than the previous one, at least Enough for twenty people to dine together.

Ye Kai's current swordsmanship is invincible as a carpenter. The speed of production is so fast that he himself did not expect that he could finish it in less than [-] minutes.

Plates of meat were placed on the table, and then all the rice, that is, ten catties of rice, was made into rice and placed on the table.

More than an hour passed like this.

But the two girls were very well-behaved at this time, and neither of them made the first move, but waited for Ye Kai to finish his work very politely, after all, they had just finished eating.

Ten bottles of black tequila, ten pieces of Canina's handmade bread, ten pieces of golden communion, ten plates of coral jelly, and two melons just appeared on the table.

These things, it seems that twenty people can't finish it.

"Huh? My fellow, are you planning a banquet?"

As soon as Ye Kai finished wiping off his sweat, he found three more figures at the door, one was Fujiwara Meihong, one was Kamishirasawa Huiyin, and the other was Hong Meiling.

Hong Meiling has waist-length red hair, braided at the temples, each decorated with a bow, and her chest is also decorated like a bow with ribbons. Her pupils are mid-water blue. Slightly gray.

He is taller than Yakumo Zi, about [-] meters tall, with a very stalwart chest, and there is an e by visual inspection.

She is wearing a dark green cheongsam, the slits of which can be seen reaching to the thighs, and a hat of the same color as the dress, with a golden five-pointed star engraved with the word "dragon" on it.

She lived here when Gensokyo was established, and was another teacher of Ye Kai, teaching Ye Kai to exercise the basics.

Ye Kai told her that he was from China in his previous life, and he was even proficient in many humanities, geography, and dialects, and let Hong Meiling know that he still has a fellow villager.

Her Chinese Kungfu is terrible, and the internal force or energy in her body is basically unmatched by anyone in this world.

She said that the only warriors she had seen were Bodhidharma and Zhang Sanfeng, which was interesting, and the rest couldn't even take a single move from her.

As for how she practiced so well?In her words: Anyone who has cultivated for more than five thousand years will be so powerful.She means that when there is Huaxia, there will be her.

The age is unknown, but the original book has a dialogue line of Dongfang Feixiang Tianru: "In the 4000-year history, everyone is really a child."

It's just that she doesn't like to show off, no one has seen her true strength, but after living for five thousand years, no matter how stupid she is, she will become a big monster...

But because of her laziness, even a big monster is one of the weaker ones. It can only be said that at that level, the mystery of energy is incomparable to other big monsters, but there is a lot of monster power.

She lives in seclusion among people, and has been reclusive, and few people know her.

She was holding a piece of paper in her hand, and she didn't know what it was for.

Seeing that there were more and more people, Ye Kai couldn't help changing another thirty bottles of wine, ten portions of sleeping shellfish, ten portions of golden communion, and ten portions of coral jelly.

He spends money lavishly, and he seldom spends money carefully. He is very generous to his friends, but he is very stingy with money that should not be spent. This is why he has always been poor...

The experience capsules from level 500 to level 10 are [-]% of [-] gold coins, and he didn't bother to change them.

As for weapons, he has an artifact that is enough for now, and he doesn't need to buy better weapons.

The purpose of the system is to create local tyrants with heart, and it seems that Ye Kai is going to disappoint it.

Ye Kai placed the plate and said, "Teacher Huiyin, boss, fellow townsman, why did you come together?"

Meihong snorted and said, "It's not that damned crow, don't let me catch her, or I will definitely burn all her crow feathers!"

Huiyin smiled and said nothing, and she took Meihong to relax. Meihong's anger comes and goes quickly, so let her have a good meal, drink and chat, and the anger will disappear.

Unexpectedly, there were two more guests.

Hong Meiling patted her chest, and there was another turbulent wave, and she said boldly: "Well, someone distributed leaflets among the people today, saying that the Scarlet Devil Mansion is recruiting people, what kind of combat troops are they going to recruit, elf maids, and doormen?" Fan. I think Menfan is very suitable for me, so I plan to apply for the job tomorrow, and I want to talk to you today, but I just happened to meet you cooking."

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, Hong Meiling was too lazy, she often slept during the day, if she was a doorman... I hope that Scarlet Devil Mansion will not often recruit thieves.

As for the Scarlet Devil Mansion, does Fantasy Township have this building?The flyer is at the lake of fog, but there should be no buildings there, right?Not far from there is a long-abandoned mansion.

"It's Youyouzi, why are you here?"

Unlike Meihong, who used to be a house girl, Huiyin understands Youyouzi's horror very well.

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