On the current lunar surface, most of the soldiers are men.

After the first lunar war, the casualties were too severe, and it turned into a situation where there were only a bunch of rabbits left...

After discussing the ambush route, the two went back to sleep.

Of course, sleeping separately...

Hui Ye is really too, I will work hard for her tomorrow, so I won't come to reward myself at night...

the next day.

Ye Kai went out early in the morning, waiting for the signal at the place designated by Hui Ye.

This is a small forest, Ye Kai is yawning boredly, lying on the branch.

"Hey, brother, do you want to drink some wine and make friends?"

Suddenly, a creepy voice came from under the tree.

Ye Kai looked down and saw that Cuixiang was below, shaking the wine gourd at him.

"I'll go, how did you find me?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

Cuixiang and Xingxiong Yongyi had just finished "thinking about their mistakes", and Cuixiang couldn't stay idle, so she ran out by herself.

She had no goal at all, just walking around.

But unexpectedly, Ye Kai was bumped into by her.

Ye Kai's strength has been recognized by Cuixiang, and he thinks Ye Kai is a person worthy of making friends.

Drinking capacity and strength, as long as any point is respected by the ghosts, they will take the initiative to make friends.

"Coincidentally, I just wandered around, and just now I grabbed a few goblins to drink with me, and that guy Qi Lunuo fought with me because of this." Cuixiang said helplessly.

"I remember, goblins don't drink alcohol, right?" Ye Kai asked with a strange face.

"Whether they drink or not is their business. If they don't want to drink, it's fine. They can't die. Creatures like goblins just like to tease people more when they're drunk." Cuixiang rolled her eyes and said.

"It turned out to be like this..." Ye Kai turned over and jumped off the tree, sat on the ground and said to Cui Xiang: "I have something to do later, why don't you wait for me? I'll drink with you when I'm done."

Ye Kai said to Cuixiang.

Both of them are very generous in making friends, anyway, Ye Kai also understands Cuixiang's character.

"Okay, what are you going to do later? Fight?" Cuixiang said with bright eyes.

"Well, fight, the guy on the moon." Ye Kai laughed.

"In this case, count me in. I haven't beaten the guy on the moon yet. By the way, my name is Ibuki Suika." Cuixiang sat on the ground and took a sip of wine.

"My name is Yu Wentuo. You...how did Yakumo Zi fool you into going to Xixing Temple's house?" Ye Kai said.

"She said that there are powerful people who can fight there! Although I was accidentally discovered by the four seasons, the fight is so cool, no matter you or Kazami Youxiang, you are so powerful." Cuixiang said with her eyes shining.

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, and had a new understanding of the simplicity of the ghost race.

"Where's the person with you?" Ye Kai asked suspiciously.

"Hoshiguma Yuki? She went to find Yuka Kazakhstan, it's not fun to fight one, so she went by herself." Cuixiang laughed.

"Well, when the time comes, I might start killing..." Ye Kai felt that he should remind Cuixiang not to let her feel like he was using her.

Cuixiang looked at Ye Kai strangely and said, "You don't think ghosts don't kill, do you?"

Chapter 337 The Messenger of the Moon

Even if the people sent yesterday didn't come back, they didn't resist the emperor's enthusiasm at all.

A group of waiters, accompanied by a hundred soldiers, just blocked the door of Kaguya's house.

Before they could talk about the marriage proposal, a light descended from the sky.

"Huh? The messenger on the moon?"

"Is this the god?"

"The emperor is out of action. They came to pick up the princess and go home."

Kaguya sat quietly in the room where she used to receive nobles. She had already said goodbye to Taketori in the morning.Now her eye circles can't help but a little red and swollen.

If she leaves, I'm afraid I won't be able to see Taketori Ong and Taketori Po again.

She has been tainted with the feelings on the ground, afraid that because of her selfishness, she will give the two old people the medicine of Penglai.

Immortality is sometimes not a good choice.

Just let her live in seclusion forever.

Maybe it's Ye Kai, maybe it's him.

Moon, she will not go back.

"Hui Ye, it's time to go home." A loud female voice came.


Kaguya unexpectedly appeared above the house inexplicably.

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