The house wasn't broken, and I didn't see how Kaguya got out.

It can be said that the enchantment technique used by the other party is rare in the world.

At least Paqi can't use such a powerful enchantment technique, which can only be compared with Yakumo Zi.

Huiye was startled, it turned out to be her master: Yayi Yonglin!

Yayi Yonglin's clothes are half blue and half red, a bit like a priest's robe, and a bit like a nurse's uniform, wearing a nurse's cap.

Her eyes are blue, her white hair reaches her waist, her figure is slender, her chest is stalwart, and she is on the same level as Yakumo Zi.

Constellation patterns are embroidered on the clothes, and the hem of the skirt is surrounded by the pattern of the Eight Diagrams.

She is the sage of the moon capital.Young in appearance, very knowledgeable.But the way of speaking, facial expressions, etc. all have the inaccessible atmosphere unique to the immortals.

Both medicine and archery are very clever, and you can use potions and archery to weave enchantments.But what is really powerful is magic and wisdom.

Behind her is a group of warriors, wearing much more advanced armor than now, two are about forty levels, six are more than thirty levels, they are not weak.

The technology of the residents of the Moon City has always surpassed that of the ground for about two hundred years, but now they are too old, and they are not too advanced.

"The emperor is benevolent. It's a pity that Huiye is about to return to the moon today, so I don't have the chance to see him. This medicine of immortality is given to the emperor. I hope the emperor treats my parents kindly." Huiye said loudly.

Although she was a little at a loss when the master came in person, Ye Kai didn't give it in vain. If he just took him away, Hui Ye was [-]% sure.

It's worth taking a gamble, anyway, there is nothing to lose if you lose.

Those palace envoys and soldiers all knelt down, and the phoenix inner alchemy disguised as the elixir, exuding a scarlet halo, stood quietly in front of them.

The envoy's face became ecstatic, the emperor married Kaguya, mostly because of this elixir!

There are nearly a thousand soldiers on standby below, and it seems that they don't need to be used.

Kaguya Ji, who has been chanted by thousands of people, turned out to be like this... She is indeed a rare beauty, what a pity.

This is Kaguya's revenge, his revenge for disturbing his peaceful life.

As long as the emperor takes the inner alchemy, the eternal power on the inner alchemy will dissipate, and he will definitely die!

After being with Ye Kai for so long, Hui Ye also understood some political matters.

At that time, I am afraid that no one will have the heart to trouble the two old people, but will fight for power and profit, and fight for the position of the next emperor.

As long as the next emperor is not so stupid, he should understand that Kaguya is not easy to mess with.

If he still wants to live, he will not act rashly.

"Hui Ye." Yong Lin flew to Hui Ye's side, and said calmly: "Let's go back, today is the night of the full moon. When we arrive at the receiving place, it will be about the same time."

"Yes, master..." Kaguya bowed to Yonglin, looking very well-behaved, without any resistance.

But Yonglin frowned slightly.

Instinct told her that Kaguya was not the same as before.

When Kaguya was parting, even if she wasn't sad, she wouldn't be as calm as she is now.

More or less, she should have some emotion.

Was she not seduced by the ground?maybe!That should also show a hint of surprise.Wait, there is something wrong with the elixir, just like dynamite, her mood is no longer the indifference that the residents of the moon should have.

Also, the way she talks to herself is so cute!You must know that Penglai's medicine was made by herself based on her ability. She was exiled for a large part of her own reasons.

What is this little girl thinking?

Could it be that she doesn't want to go back to the moon?Chances are, it all makes sense that way.

If I were her, what would I do...

By the way, do it on the road and escape!

Oh, let me see your ambush.

What a stupid apprentice.

Living in the capital of the moon is indeed not very comfortable. There is no one to test the medicine. She has too many medicines and wants to test them.

But the capital of the moon can't tolerate filth, as long as you take your own medicine, you will be killed.

Although Yue Yejian doesn't care about those lives, Yong Lin does!

She just took my medicine, and the medicine didn't take effect, so she killed someone. How would she record it?

Hmm... It's too much to make her cherish the life and death of others.

In this case, let's cooperate with my disciple when the time comes, and the two of them will also have a support below.

At least not too boring.

Hope, see you on a moonlit night and don't blame yourself.

I believe that with my enchantment technique, I can guarantee that it will not be explored for at least [-] years. As for the things after that, let’s talk about it, there will always be a way.

If Kaguya knew what Yonglin was thinking, she would be stupefied. She just made the most normal expressions and movements, but Yayi Yonglin saw through them all, and even thought about the follow-up.

The mind of the moon sees problems too thoroughly, which is not comparable to this yellow-haired girl.

Although Kaguya's age is also ten thousand years old, it is still far behind Yayi Yonglin's age in units of billions.

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