Besides, being old doesn't mean you have a high IQ or a high EQ.

Just like when Kaguya was smart but didn't understand politics, she almost lost Taketori Ong and Taketori Po.

"Let's go." Yayi Yonglin didn't point it out, but flew towards Gensokyo with Kaguya and the remaining envoys.

The receiving place of the Moon Capital is near there.

What they didn't see was a pair of eyes full of hatred staring at Kaguya who was leaving in the bamboo forest.

When they flew far away, Meihong rushed out like a vigorous leopard.

She doesn't know how long the Moonman's life is, but she knows that it is definitely not comparable to ordinary humans!

If you want to have a chance of revenge, you must live forever!

Chapter 338

Meihong grabbed the "undead medicine" and threw it into her mouth, then ran down the mountain.

"Who is it? Chase me!" The envoy turned pale with shock. They knelt down well, but unexpectedly a person snatching medicine came out.

If you dare to grab something from the emperor, you will die!

Brush, brush, brush...

More than a dozen arrows shot towards Meihong.

Meihong's current physique is no longer comparable to that of normal humans, so she dodged vigorously.

bang, bang, bang...

Those soldiers broke out in cold sweat, and chased after Meihong.

If you lose the elixir, you will lose your skin even if you don't die!

No, it is dead!If Meihong is captured or killed, there may be a chance of survival.

Everyone ran down the mountain, but there was nothing wrong with Taketori Ong and Taketori Po.

Although Meihong wanted to seek revenge from Huiye, she never thought of hurting Huiye's family. In some respects, she is still very kind.

After Meihong took the elixir, she felt a little low.

Why is your body...a little hot?

Her hair slowly turned white, it was Neidan absorbing her nutrients!

Now her long hair has reached the ankle position and has been loose.It hasn't been pruned for several years.Originally, she was only about thirteen years old, but after taking this "undead medicine", her feeling suddenly increased, and she looked about sixteen years old.

Although the elixir can keep a person forever, it didn't have the energy to develop before, but it was stimulated by the inner alchemy of the phoenix, making Meihong look a little bigger.

However, it was limited to this, and she estimated that she would never be able to grow bigger.

It was okay before, but now she looks like a monster!

It's so hot, so hot, I really want to drink water...

As soon as she was sweating, she was evaporated by the extreme heat.

I'm afraid she will lose her clothes soon.

Fortunately, the talisman paper on her body has not dissipated its demonic power, so it can last for a while.

"Stop her!"

Meihong's speed is much stronger than those of ordinary humans, and she has already thrown those messengers away.

Unexpectedly, there are so many soldiers ahead!

When she came, it was last night, she had been lying in ambush here, waiting for Hui Ye to go out.

And those soldiers came this morning.

The leading general's expression changed, and he shouted: "Monster? Shoot the arrow!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Hundreds of arrows shot towards Meihong!

Soldiers in this era have more or less seen monsters and fought with monsters.

They can also be injured and die. They are not invincible species, otherwise human beings would have been extinct long ago!

These soldiers firmly believed in this, so when they faced Meihong, they were not timid at all.

Extending the head is also a knife, shrinking the head is also a knife, fight it!

"Get out of the way!" Meihong yelled, and with a wave of her hand, a ball of flame flew out of her hand.


The arrow that stopped her turned into molten iron!

Not to mention those soldiers, Meihong herself was a little confused.She didn't learn fire spells, and she couldn't learn those things either.

Then how did she know this flame spell?Wait, that's not what it says in the book.It seems that what she used just now was not a spell, but... a talent!Innate talent!

Flame, like her instinct!

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