"Is it them?"

"That's right, throw me over there!"

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared not far away.

Before Ye Kai was hidden in the mist of Cuixiang, Yong Lin had been paying attention to the top and bottom, and didn't notice it for a while.

Cuixiang hugged Ye Kai, who was several laps older than her, and threw it towards Bayi Yonglin and the others.

"Protect the princess!"

one of the emissaries shouted.

As a result, something incomprehensible happened.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Bayi Yonglin opened her bow and shot arrows. The messenger of the moon thought she was going to attack the enemy, but she didn't expect that all her arrows hit her own people.

The bow looks like a wooden bow with bows tied on both sides.

The arrows appeared to be ordinary iron-tipped arrows.

However, the power is not ordinary at all!

Those envoys of the moon were all instantly killed by Bayi Yonglin.

Ye Kai and Cui Xiang were all stunned.

What's the matter, nest rebel?

"Master, you?" Hui Ye stared blankly at Yong Lin.

"Since we don't want to go back, we won't go back." Yonglin smiled.

At this time, Ye Kai happened to be thrown over. He didn't know who Bayi Yonglin was, and he didn't hear what she said.

Ye Kai hugged Hui Ye and fell down.

Dark sky wave eyes, open!

Huge wings of light appeared on Ye Kai's body.

A few skills were thrown out, speeding up Ye Kai's fall.

Ye Kai could tell from Yonglin's attack just now, this woman is not simple, she is actually a Yakumozi level.

Is it because there are too many pervert-level strongmen in this world, or is it that I am out of date?How come one counts as one, and they are all perverted?

He didn't want to waste a ghost for no reason.

Yonglin was stunned for a moment, and then it was a little funny, Kaguya can do it too, after staying on the ground for a few years, the big monster has gotten to know a lot.

Just as she was about to chase after her, she saw a small fist hitting her.


Yong Lin blasted up with her fists in turn.


Yonglin felt as if his fist had split open. This guy has great strength, much stronger than his own!

"Wow! It's amazing, I knew there would be a fight with my brother!"

Cuixiang was overjoyed immediately, she didn't expect to find a drinking buddy after she came out, and also such a powerful guy.

"Let's have a showdown!" Cuixiang rushed towards Yonglin again.

Although Yonglin's strength is not as strong as Cuixiang's, what she relies on has never been any strength!

I saw Yonglin speeding down, chasing Ye Kai while bending her bow and shooting an arrow.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

"Haha, poor accuracy!" Cuixiang laughed.

Immediately, she stopped laughing.

She suddenly realized that she couldn't move, and the demon power on her body seemed to be disobedient.

All around, a magic circle like a hexagram suddenly appeared.

In the beginning, it was Yonglin who shot the arrow that went wrong!

"Boundary..." Cuixiang had a pained expression on her face.

She hates such an opponent the most!

When she turned into a bunch of little Cuixiang and left, Bayi Yonglin had long since disappeared.

"Ahh! Not only did I lose this guy, but I also lost my little brother!" Cuixiang went crazy in the air...

And Ye Kai, hugging Hui Ye's waist, galloped on the ground at high speed.

He found that this opponent was not only powerful, but also extremely rich in combat experience, and Cuixiang failed to stop her!

Not only that, when she withdrew from the battlefield, she never gave up on chasing Ye Kai.

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