"Hey, put the concubine down..." Hui Ye said angrily.

She has already figured it out, Yonglin is trying to let her go.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you alone." Ye Kai said that good people will do their best to send Buddha to the West.

What you promised her, you still have to do.

Kaguya couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, and a little moved.

Ye Kai, an unreliable guy, never expected to be unexpectedly reliable at a critical moment.

Well, it's too wrong to always think of cheating him.

Next time... lighten the pit.

So it's all about cheating, girl?


A long arrow was shot towards Ye Kai, and Ye Kai's Liu Guang cut off the long arrow!


dong dong dong...

After all, without the perverted power of ghosts and gods, the current Ye Kai is not even as good as Yong Lin.

"You go first." Ye Kai put Hui Ye down and stared at Yong Lin who was chasing him.

"Hey, no need, she is the concubine's master, she won't catch the concubine." Hui Ye said helplessly.

Ye opened a black question mark face.

Then why did you say it was so serious yesterday?

And Yonglin also caught up at this time.

After the conversation between the master and the apprentice, Ye Kai also understood that both of them had had enough of life on the moon, and now they want to live a normal life.

"Well, where do you live?" Ye Kai scratched his head.

As for Cuixiang?He had long forgotten it.

He is still very relieved about Cuixiang's strength.

"Look for a piece of bamboo forest?" Hui Ye thought for a while.

Her new life on the ground started from the bamboo forest.

"Yo, little brother Yuwen, I can't imagine that you are so passionate."

The faces of Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko suddenly appeared in the gap.

Yakumo Zi and Eirin looked at each other and frowned at the same time.

They felt each other, had a kindred spirit.

Is a rival!Eirin was able to start from the failure of Yakumo Zi to launch the first lunar war, and think of the second lunar war, and the two played a game once. It can be said that their brains are at the same level.

It's just that Eirin doesn't like to talk about anything, and Yakumo Zi runs the train with her mouth full of two styles.

"Ala, I've said it all, he's not Yuyuko-sama's boyfriend." Yuyuko didn't see the sparks between Yakumozi and Yayi Yonglin, and said naturally.

"I'm just helping, okay? If you are in trouble, I will help too." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"A scumbag who wants to open a harem to speak..." Yakumo Zi said softly.

"Hey, can you have a little more sunshine in your heart?" Ye Kai said helplessly.

Sure enough, Yakumo Zi was not cute at all, but Yuyuko was the cutest.

"Ah, don't stare at Lord Youyouzi like that." Youyouzi pointed at Ye Kai's face with a fan.

Those green eyes made her feel a little creepy.

After all, Ye Kai is still a virgin...

Can you see it or not eat it!

[Hidden mission completed: Bamboo Tori Story]

【Reward: None】

【Ready to cross】

[Select World: Arad Continent]

[Return Mission: Defeat Sherlock]

[Reward: Demon Sword - Apophis]

"Zi, Youyouzi, Huiye, maybe I need to say goodbye." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"What do you mean?" Kaguya asked suspiciously.

The other three girls didn't speak, just stared at Ye Kai.

"In the future, you will know." Ye Kai spread his hands and said helplessly, "I don't want to do this either, but this matter is out of my control."

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