"Ala, I hope next time, we can see the green moon together." Yuyuko said with a smile, without any sadness of parting.

"Well, since you have something to do, go first, and I'll take care of the rest." Yakumo Zi nodded.

Many of her friends have not seen each other for hundreds of years, and everyone has long been used to it. This is the normal way of getting along with longevity species.

Even in Gensokyo in later generations, people seldom move around.

Ye Kai nodded, and turned into a golden light, soaring into the sky!

It's different from the previous way of traveling, otherwise, his identity would have been exposed long ago.

"Is this, the power of that artifact?" Yakumo Zi narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Ala, where did he go?" Youyuko asked a little puzzled.

"Looking at the direction, it seems to be Huaxia, and it's not easy for me to detect it over there." Yakumo Zi said in a deep voice.

The system, its strength deceived a wave of Yakumo Zi.

"So, let's talk about our affairs now? Ground monsters, can you help us find a place to live?" Yayi Yonglin smiled at Yakumo Zi.

"Of course." Yakumo Zi also smiled back.

Yuyuko and Kaguya looked at their expressions, and suddenly had a cold war...

Scheming or something, it's scary!

Chapter 340 Arriving at Arad

Arad In 977, three strange travelers came to the continent of Arad.

In this era, the Four Juggernauts had just become famous, Sirocco was still in the Moaning Cave, and Gran's Forest hadn't been burned by the fire.

Although Ye Kai has been playing dnf for a long time, he doesn't read much about the plot.

He was teleported to a town, a big town, the legendary Hutton Mar...

This place is completely different from the game, and it is completely different from the anime.

At least in terms of population, it is much more than the few npcs in the game.

"It can be regarded as crossing, Lord Remy is so suffocated!" Remy was riding on Ye Kai's neck, with her hands open, facing this new continent.

Ye Kai was very excited, he can use all the equipment here!At that time, we will see if we can kill monsters and explode equipment.

Moreover, Arad is the hometown of ghost swordsmen!

The light of civilization in the continent of Arad was initially created by elves and humans, but due to the breakdown of the relationship between the two parties, the elves gradually disappeared from the continent of Arad.

The following forces are mainly distributed on the continent of Arad: Delos Empire, Belmare Principality, Xuzu, Bantu, Dark Elf Kingdom, etc.

The main races are: humans, dark elves, demons, elves, celestial apostles, aliens, monsters and Bantus.

"Fulan likes this world very much." Fulan said excitedly in Ye Kai's arms.

Two vampires, in this magical open world, don't have much sense of disobedience.

And the residents of Arad don't know about vampires.

"Brother, would you like to come in for a drink?"

While Ye Kai and others were shopping, a voice sounded.

Ye Kai turned his head and saw a blond-haired and red-clothed elf, Yujie, holding a glass of wine and looking at him with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

His ghostly hands were revealed, and those who saw him on the street hid away.

The ghost hand is a strange disease that spread in Arad after the death of the apostle Bakar. This disease is not caused by heredity or environment, and anyone can suffer from it at any time.

People with ghost hands are likely to go berserk, so they are not welcome.

Every ghost swordsman should have his own ghosts and gods, so as not to be excluded.

"It's just a ghost swordsman, it's not like I haven't seen it before." Sister Yu said softly.

Ye Kai thought about it, he didn't have any purpose anyway, so let's go to the tavern to find out what time it is.

"Okay!" Ye Kai walked into the Moonlight Tavern with two "children" who were about [-] years old.

He knew this sister Yu, even though it was his first visit to the Arad continent, she and her tavern were so famous that it was hard not to know her.

Socia's Moonlight Tavern, her wine can quickly cure weakness, but the price is not cheap.

Ye Kai stole a lot of gold from Hui Ye, and when he robbed the rich and helped the poor, he gave all the food to Youyouzi and all the gold to himself.

Judging from the gold and silver ingots in the game, this thing is very valuable.

Socia narrowed her eyes, she felt that there was something wrong with Ye Kai, or in other words, there was something wrong with the two lolis on him.

This is the induction between the immortal species. She felt that the two lolis were immortal species just like her.

"Hey, punch it man!"

"Drink a drink if you lose?"

"Wrong, I lost the treat!"

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