"Whoa, there's a fight over there!"

"Guess who will win?"

"I don't know... the tall one?"

Ye Kai walked into the tavern unsteadily, and found that the place is really... chaotic!

There are adventurers everywhere, and there are two tables of guests fighting, tables, chairs, wine bottles, flying everywhere.

Socia was just a little curious about Ye Kai and the others, so she called them in. Her job is to open a tavern.

She casually glanced at the people fighting at the two tables, but didn't stop her, but wrote down the money needed to compensate for the items in a small notebook.

In the game, Socia didn't do anything, but she definitely can't be said to be weak, on the contrary she is very strong.

People of the elves, as long as they work a little harder, they can have good combat effectiveness.

Who let them live?

Ye Kai looked around, but there were no empty tables.

Naturally, he could go to the bar to drink, but this violated his original intention of inquiring about news.

Huh?There was only one person at a table and that was it.

Ye Kai walked over with two lolis, and said to the man, "Can we have a table together?"

The man was an uncle with a huge sword on his back, in his early thirties, with blue-gray hair and a slightly sparse beard, and the clothes he was wearing were a little out of date. Although the clothes were tight, it was not difficult to see the Explosive muscles.

The huge sword looks like a peerless weapon at first glance. At least one can reach the height of an adult male. Coupled with the heavy feeling, it is definitely a very heavy sword!

He had seen this figure many years ago. When he was still playing dungeons, no matter what would change, a person's temperament would not change!One of the Four Juggernauts, Forrest Gump Zuo!

"Just don't disturb me." A-Gump left softly.

He drank silently and didn't pay much attention to Ye Kai.

He is very wary of strangers.

Especially the sword on Ye Kai's waist, it's not ordinary!

A friend of his is very good at using a Taidao, but that one doesn't seem to be as good as the person in front of him.

Bringing two children to drink, no matter how you look at it, it's weird.

It can't be, a ghost swordsman who wants to become famous, right?

He obviously has ghost hands, so why don't he use ghosts and gods to bind him?Didn't he know that at any moment he might turn into a monster who could only kill?

Ye Kai sat down, put the two lolis on the table, and started feeding them.

"Miss, ah!" Ye Kai took out the pudding, forked it with a fork, and placed it near Remy's mouth.

"Ah!" Remy opened her mouth.


Ye Kai fed the pudding in, in exchange for Remi's happy expression.

The same goes for Fran.

"Guest, what do you want to drink?" Socia came over and asked softly.

Ye Kai took out a gold bar, put it on the table, and said calmly: "Follow this."

Socia's look of surprise flashed across, still a rich man?

If Ye Kai knew what she was thinking, he would be ashamed.

His money can only be spent outside, but cannot be turned into system gold coins.

The system does not recognize money from the main world.

I don't know if Arad's gold coins can be used?It should be ok……

After all, the system itself is the core of Arad's world.

"I'll come up for you in a while." Socia took the gold bars and walked inside.

The guests at the next tables looked at Ye Kai greedily.

But Ye Kai's ghost hand and the long and narrow Meteor Star Meteor Knife told them that Ye Kai was not something to mess with.

"Uncle, let me buy you a drink, A-Gump Zuo, one of the Four Sword Masters, it doesn't suit your status to drink this." Ye Kai said to A-Gump.

In A-Gumpo's listless eyes, a gleam of brilliance suddenly flashed.

This person really knows himself!

Chapter 341 Domineering Second Miss

Although A Ganzuo didn't recognize the young man in front of him, he instinctively sensed the dangerous aura in this man.

He, like himself, should be at the level of a Juggernaut!

There were originally only four Juggernauts in the continent of Arad.

As for Soderos and Liang Yue, they belonged to the Sword God.

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