It can be seen that his strength is not only a sword master, but there is a steady stream of fluctuating power coming from him.There is a smell of ghosts and gods on his body.

What's even more frightening is that the blood that is about to overflow from his body is more like a berserker.

Is it possible for the four series of ghost swords to exist?

Those two little girls, other people can't see the depth, how can A-Gumpzuo not see through?Their power is above their own.

When did Allard come out with such a combination?

Moreover, what is the purpose of him coming to find himself?

"If you want to become famous, it's a good choice to challenge Xilan, he uses a dagger just like you." A-Gump Zuo said indifferently.

She didn't feel that there was anything wrong with selling out that friend, anyway, Xi Lan was so busy every day.

"Why should I challenge him? Oh, I don't want to be famous, I just want to get to know the Giant Sword Master." Ye Kai laughed.

He understood that A-Gump left him as someone who wanted to step on him.

That's right, even though he is a four-element sleeper, he has no reputation in Arad at all.

There are two fastest ways to become famous, one is to challenge the strong, and the other is to gain merit in the adventure.

It is undoubtedly easier to challenge the strong.

"The sword master is just a false name, I'm just an ordinary ronin." A-Gump Zuo said indifferently.

"Hey, servant, do you know this person?" Remi pointed at A-Gump and asked.

A-Gump frowned slightly, although Remi was very rude, but he was not the kind of guy who would care about children.

Although this child is stronger than himself.

Could it be that they are mutants of elves?He looks young, but his actual age is unknown.

"It's been famous for a long time, but it's the first time I've seen a real person." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"So that's how it is." Remi just asked casually, and then took a small sip of black tea.

Although the bar was noisy, Remy came from the Middle Ages and knew the people of that time very well.

They are even worse than here.

It's good here, at least the people who fight are wearing clean clothes, and the environment of the tavern is not bad.

"Fran also wants to participate." Fran extended her hand as she spoke.

For a moment, including Socia who was just about to walk over, they felt that their lives were not their own!

It was as if there was a god of death pinching their throats!

A-Gump left, retreating instinctively, and pulled out his hidden dragon sword!


Ye Kai hastily pressed Fulan's little hand. People in this world have such strong senses. How could they sense the danger the moment Fulan stretched out her hand?

No, no, it's not that they are perceptive.

But Fran, she has become stronger!However, she was not used to such a strong force, and when she stretched out her hand, the momentum inevitably dissipated.

This gave those people a feeling of extreme danger.

It seemed that as long as Fran shook hands, they would be shattered into pieces!

"Flan is good, did you forget to promise big brother?" Ye Kai said to Fulan.

"But, Fran is very happy to see them playing!" Fran said doubtfully.

"Fran, don't be as knowledgeable as children, the oldest of them is less than fifty years old! Look at that sensible big sister, she won't fight." Ye Kai pointed at Socia as he spoke.

Socia frowned slightly, and now the entire tavern was silent, only Ye Kai and Fulan were still talking.

Those who fight have already stopped their movements.All eyes were on that soft little hand.

Those people looked at Fran with fear.

This guy, can't be an apostle or a ghost, right?

Not like ah!

But, why is it so strong?

"Okay, Fran understands." Fulan withdrew her hand obediently, lest Ye Kai think she was not good and send her back to the static fantasy land.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, Ye Kai said that they were children or something, and they were too lazy to complain.

As for asking for trouble?Just kidding, let's talk about it if we can beat it.

Socia nodded secretly, it seemed that it was not a wrong decision to call them to the tavern.

Although the lethality is strong, but the character is like a child.

It's not bad to have such a strong person as a friend.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, my second lady was just joking with everyone just now, I've bought this drink!" After speaking, Ye Kai also took out a few gold bricks.

A look of heartache appeared on his face.

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