No way, you can play casually in other worlds, but in front of A-Gump Zuo, let's improve his favorability!

My own fighting power may be stronger than Forrest Gump, but I am still an immortal, even a sword master can only be grinded to death by myself.

However, the Four Great Juggernauts have their own strengths, and he still wants to learn their skills!

For example, Xilan's casual sword light, Baan's red whirlwind, and A-Gumpzuo's understanding of the extreme ghost sword technique, these are all things he needs to learn.

Now, it's really heartbreaking to spend money that can support Lingmeng for a lifetime!

"Haha, it's okay."

"We understand."

"I won't care about children."

Those people said they were fine, but they actually wanted to finish their drinks and leave.

As for why not leave now?Who knows if this dangerous guy will go out and kill people to silence him!

With such a dangerous person nearby, it is better not to run around, it is right for everyone to act together.

"Don't make such jokes." A-Gump frowned slightly, and put away his weapon.

Not only those people, but even he felt the danger.

"Sorry, sorry...By the way, do you know someone named Lukexi?" Ye Kai changed the subject.

This is an important clue. If Luke is dead, where can I find Sherlock?

"I don't know." A-Gump shook his head left and returned to his seat.

Socia moved lightly, walked over, put a barrel of the best wine on the table, took away Ye Kai's gold bricks, and said indifferently: "What a powerful child."

"Big sister, you are also very good. Just now, Fran felt that only you and this uncle would not be spoiled." Fran said excitedly, not feeling the horror of what she said.

"Call me big sister, but call him uncle?" Socia thought it was a little funny, and said calmly, "I'm over five hundred years old, and this uncle is only under forty years old."

"Fran, Fran is four hundred and ninety-six years old!" Fran thought for a while.

"Fran, don't be so rude, be graceful and decent." Remi said while drinking black tea.

He didn't care about himself at all, he was sitting on the table.

"Are you elves?" Socia asked curiously.

A-Gump could not help pricking up his ears, he also wanted to know this question.

Chapter 342 Reaching a Consensus

Ye Kai looked at the curious two and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Forrest Ganzuo seems to have nothing to do with him, but he is not a bad person.

When it was time for him to make a move, he never hesitated.

Although A Ganzuo is still vigilant now, his hostility is not as great as it was at the beginning.

If it was Ye Kai who released the coercion just now, it would be another matter.There is no way, who let children take advantage of this aspect, and have the capital of willfulness...

"We are vampires, my name is Flandre Scarlet." Fran said proudly.

Remy stood up, lifted her skirt slightly, and said calmly: "Remilia Scarlet, the head of the Scarlet family, the young moon of eternal scarlet, the owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion."

Ye Kai rubbed his temples, a little speechless, Remy made another mistake.

You say this, where do they know where to go!

"So it's a vampire. I'm an elf, Socia, the owner of this tavern." Socia's heart didn't fluctuate. She had never heard of a vampire.

Could it be some hidden race?

A-Gump also frowned slightly, how many such guys are there?It felt more dangerous than any strong man he had ever encountered.

If the number is huge, then the human race doesn't have to mix.

"Well, we used to live on a remote island. The eldest lady and the second lady didn't go out before, but recently they suddenly became interested, so I took them out for a walk." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"No wonder, a race I've never heard of." Socia naturally sat next to Ye Kai, as if they knew each other very well.

Ye Kai didn't feel that she was doing this abruptly or inappropriately, as if it was a matter of course.

This is a powerful woman.

"A-Gump Zuo, can I call you that? Do you know of any good trial locations recently?" Ye Kai suddenly said to A-Gump Zuo.

"No." Forrest Gump said calmly.

"Hehe, it seems that you swordsmen are not very united." Socia said with a half-smile.

"Well, we are different, I am a ghost swordsman, he is not." Ye Kai said helplessly.

In the official original painting, Xi Lan, A Ganzuo, Buwanga, and Bahn all have no ghost hands.

"Yeah." A-Gump Zuo didn't continue talking, and he didn't drink the wine Ye Kai bought, so he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Speaking of which, you haven't introduced yourself yet. It seems that you are not an ordinary person." Socia smiled.

"Ghost Swordsman, Ye Kai." Ye Kai said casually.

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