"Your Excellency is full of sword energy. I don't know how far you have cultivated?" Socia asked curiously.

"Sword Master." Ye Kai put away the Meteor Star Knife casually, took out the Shuanglong Phantom Sword, put it on the table, and said with a smile: "Since every weapon has its own Sword Master, I will entrust a Big, how about calling him a lightsaber sword master?"

"Light saber!" A-Gump said in surprise.

Although weapons such as lightsabers are rare, they are still in circulation on the market.

However, the price is definitely not ordinary.

The statement of the lightsaber royal family is just a product of fandom, not official information.

Every sword soul can use all sword weapons, and it is not surprising that Ye Kai can use lightsabers and swords.

However, each of the Four Juggernauts is specialized. If you don't use a special weapon, it is difficult to reach the current level.

Ye Kai's lightsaber is not ordinary, it's like two black dragons intertwined.

The ominous aura emanating from above is chilling.

Socia nodded slightly, and said indifferently: "Are you a lightsaber expert? I just don't know what it is."

"That's why I asked A-Gump if there is anything worth exploring, so I can test whether my sword is sharp." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said.

"You can go to Death Valley, the Tower of Despair there, every floor is the best of the best." Socia said indifferently.

"Socia." A-Gump Zuo said in a deep voice.

That is a place that none of the four Juggernauts are willing to set foot in!Not because of anything else, just because their information will be copied there!

The Tower of Despair is a spaceship left by the Terra civilization, also known as the "Genesis", which is the vehicle used by the Terran Azera Roy when he moved to Arad. In order to prevent Herder's plan, Azera traveled from Strong people are recruited from all over the world and let them live in the Tower of Despair. She uses Terra technology to copy the information of all strong people and make replicas.

The Tower of Despair disappeared in 1006 of the Arad calendar, and it is still in the Canyon of the Dead.

"Can I challenge the Tower of Despair?" Ye Kai's eyes lit up.

Remember to challenge to the end, there are still ss jars to open, right?

"Well, if you successfully challenge to the [-]th floor, Azera Roy will even give you an epic weapon. But, the premise is that you can fight up." Socia said indifferently.

As for A Ganzuo's warning, she didn't pay attention.

She was also a little curious about what Ye Kai and these two lolis could do.

"It's such a happy decision. I'm a little curious about the Tower of Despair. A-Gump, do you want to go and have a look with me?" Ye Kai said to A-Gump.

A-Gump left couldn't help being a little speechless, how familiar is this person?Are you familiar with him?Just call yourself to go together.

"I remember that you can only go up the Tower of Despair by yourself, and my eldest lady and second lady will be outside. If I don't notice, if they accidentally do something... I dare say no one can stop it. "Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

A-Gump Zuo's expression changed, and he suddenly remembered this question.

If it weren't for Ye Kai's sharp eyes and quick hands, Fulan would have killed everyone here except him and Socia.

It's really not good to leave such a dangerous guy alone!

"I have something to go to the Alvin defense line." A-Gump frowned.

He was thinking, should he bring Xi Lan over and ask him to accompany Ye Kai.

That chatter, you can be friends with anyone.

"I'll go with you, we'll talk about it when we're done." Ye Kai said casually.

"What is your purpose?" A-Gump raised his head and glanced at Ye Kai.

"I don't have any purpose. Anyway, I'm just wandering here. It's better to have a goal than no goal! Anyway, it's a matter of time before my name is known to the world, so I'll go for a stroll with you first." Ye Kai said.

"You are very similar to a friend of mine." A-Gump said deeply.

Ye Kai and Xi Lan are just as chatty, familiar, and ignorant...

"It seems that you have reached a consensus." Socia said indifferently.

"Of course, A-Gump is a good person!" Ye Kai said with emotion.

"Huh? Are we going to take an adventure? It's great!" Remy clenched her fists.

"Fran likes to play!" Fran also lifted her spirits.

A-Gump left couldn't help feeling a little headache, he didn't know in what life he committed crimes when he met this guy.

Regardless, they are too lethal...

If the one who mastered the code of the nuclear bomb is a brat, anyone would have to make a fuss.

Chapter 343 Luxie

"It can be considered that we are almost at the Alvin defense line, and there are many elves in Gran's Forest on the opposite side!"

Ye Kai hugged Fulan, with the second young lady sitting on his neck, and said evil things to A-Gump beside him.

"En." A-Gump Zuo responded casually, not bothering to talk to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai curled his lips, this guy is just too boring.

"Ye Kai, are there elves in Gensokyo?" Remy asked curiously.

"No? All the people in Gensokyo are fairies." Ye Kai thought for a while.

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