"Goblins are fun, and they can be resurrected if they break the game." Fran said with emotion.

"Hey, Fulan, don't play people to death just because they will be resurrected for no reason!" Ye Kai said dumbfounded.

Fran is good everywhere, but too violent.

"Fulan knows." Fulan still listened to Ye Kai's words.

A-Gump twitched at the corner of his mouth, how many people or creatures did they kill unintentionally?

At this moment, there was some movement in the forest, and a voice came out.

"You two stop and rob!"

A dark elf sprang out in front of the four of them, with an oval face, some sharp eyes and eyebrows, very seductive and revealingly dressed.

The silver hair is tied into a ponytail with a ring-shaped hair ornament, but the radiant explosive head shows that this thing has no effect, holding two long knives, and the red ghost hand shows the state of the visitor, Kazan's curse!

As for why she said two instead of four...

She didn't regard the two children as combat power at all.

Ye Kai and A-Gump looked at each other in blank dismay, both feeling speechless.

On the road, the weather has always been calm, and occasionally some goblins instinctively sense that the two are very dangerous.

This gave Ye Kai an illusion that the Arad continent was very peaceful.

Unexpectedly, when we arrived at the place, we ran into a robber.

This look, this look, who else could it be if it wasn't Luxe?

Wait, I asked A Ganzuo before if he knew Lukexi, but he didn't know him at that time.

If that's the case, wouldn't I be exposed if she reported her name herself?

How should I put it... Let's say someone was robbed by her, and I wanted to drop by to investigate.

As for why you asked Forrest Gump?Isn't that simple?Forrest Gump is a rogue, Lu Ziye.

Unexpectedly, with the butterfly effect of myself, the two can still meet. Should it be said that no one can stop this evil relationship?

"My lord, someone wants to rob Fulan, do you want to spoil her?" Fulan raised her head in doubt.

"Well..." Remy stared at Lukexi, making her hairy.

She suddenly realized that it was a wrong choice for her to come out, but she hadn't eaten a full meal for several days, and she finally saw two passers-by, which made her eyes red.

She had made a living by robbery before, and nothing happened because she had good eyesight.

But this time, she didn't notice that all four of them were strong.

This time... it fell!

She could feel that Remy was not thinking about whether to kill her, but thinking about how to kill her more pleasantly.

A-Gump left indifferently said: "I really didn't expect the dark elves to suffer from Kazan syndrome."

After all, he pulled out the giant sword that was one person tall, and rushed directly towards Lukexi, extremely fierce!

He is not robbing monsters, but saving Lukexi. If Ye Kai and the other three make a move, Lukexi will definitely not survive!

Raptors cut the sky!

On the Raptors, what A-Gump left to use was as domineering as anyone else's, even more violent than Ye Kai's use!

Driven by instinct, Lukexi used the blood blade.


The attacks of the two collided in one place, leaving only a mess!

A Ganzuo and Lukexi's swords were tightly entangled, and it could be seen that A Ganzuo was not serious yet.


The two parted, and A-Gump stared at Lukexi cautiously. Lukexi seemed to feel no pain at all, and directly fell down with a landslide!

Lukexi's idea now is to fight!

She is not sure about any of the four top experts, it is best to escape from here after defeating A-Gump.


The blood vessels on Lukexi's body burst, and muscle texture appeared on the smooth skin.


And what about Forrest Gump?An Army Breaking Dragon Strike rushed over, and the swords of the two faced each other. Lukexi's strength was obviously not as strong as that of Forrest Gump, and he was pushed back two steps by Forrest Gump Zuo.

The attack was not over yet, the giant sword's Dragon Breaking Strike not only raised upwards but also smashed downwards, directly hitting Lukexi's head with a sword, Lukexi quickly raised two knives to parry A-Gumpzuo!

It's a pity that Kazan's state is irrational, otherwise he would have retreated. Forrest Gump's strength is too great, not even the slightest bit stronger than Lukexi who ran away.


A-Gump directly slapped Luke to the ground with his sword. Luke was screaming unwillingly, but Kazan's state had not been relieved!

Taking advantage of A-Gump's left exhaustion, Luke jumped out of the range, exhausted all his strength, and prepared to slap A-Gump on Zuo!This is a landslide slash!Also called the Big Bang...

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