A-Gump frowned slightly on his left brow, stretched out his hand gently, and the phantoms of twenty-four swords appeared, and then spread into a circle.

Lukexi's big collapse can't be photographed!Has been floating stiffly in the sword array.

Then the twelve swords were stuck on the ground, and the twelve swords floated in the air. A-Gump flew up, picked up a sword and slashed at Lukexi, using the blade of the sword instead of the blade.

After one cut, the sword shadow disappeared directly, and then grabbed another sword, and then another sword!Afterwards, the speed became faster and faster. When all twenty-four swords were used up, A-Gump stood upright on the ground, took out his own sword, and swung upwards, a huge sword energy directly blasted Luke away. out!

Kazan's curse was unexpectedly beaten away by A-Gump left!

Fran and Remy instinctively set their sights on Ye Kai.

Although Ye Kai behaved almost as normal after coming to this world, Remy and Fulan also noticed something was wrong.

"This is the hometown of my abilities. The skills they use are similar to mine." Ye Kai explained.

"So that's the case!" Remy finally realized.

Lukexi and A-Gump's fighting style is like two of Ye Kai's four lines.

It's just that Lukexi is too far behind Yekai.

Although A-Gump Zuo is powerful, he is only stronger than Ye Kai in terms of giant swords, not counting other types of weapons, there are other types.

Fran stared at Lukexi's ghost hand, then at Ye Kai's ghost hand, and found that Ye Kai's ghost hand was stronger.

"That's right, your hands are the same, one is red." Remy suddenly said.

People with ghost hands on the street are bound by ghosts and gods, and they are wrapped tightly.

But Ye Kai was not bound by ghosts and gods, nor did he deliberately hide it, as if he was telling others that he was a ghost swordsman.

Unlike other ghost swordsmen with low self-esteem.

Ye Kai showed his ghost hand, more like a kind of pride!

Chapter 344 Requisition

"Yes, this is the symbol of the ghost swordsman, the ghost hand." After Ye Kai finished speaking, he showed off his ghost hand with the spirit of ghosts and blood.

"Big Brother is amazing." Fran said softly.

"Fulan is the most obedient!" Ye Kai picked up Fulan and kissed her.

"You damned servant, how dare you molested my sister, die!" Remi flew up, picked up Gungnir and fought Ye Kai.

A Ganzuo was no stranger to this situation, he walked in front of Lukexi, and said calmly: "It's all right."

Luke sat up with difficulty, and said sadly, "I'm sorry, but... I still want to live!"

A-Gump frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "If you want to survive, do you have to rob?"

"I'm a dark elf with a ghost hand. No one is willing to accept me, and I can't find a job. I have saved money and can't afford ghosts and gods." Lukexi whispered.

She wanted to cure her ghost hand, but she had no money.

Although there is no successful example of ghost hand, but she is a dark elf, and there is no precedent for ghost hand.

Maybe, she is special?For this reason, she has been working hard, for that sliver of hope.

Suffering from Kazan syndrome, there are too few people who can survive.

Even if you can't save the money to treat the ghost hand for the time being, you still need to make money to buy a ghost and god binding to restrain your ghost hand.

Otherwise, if one day it breaks out, she will die.

The dark elves are cruel by nature, mercenary, and have a dark temperament!

If this continues, she may enter the city to rob, instead of ambush in the wild.

A-Gump left was also silent, he was also a proletarian, and this time he came here for a mission to patrol the defense line of Irwin, and he didn't get paid much at all, only enough for his daily expenses.

It will take at least two years to save enough money to buy ghosts and gods. Although he has a friend who is a blacksmith, he never owes anyone a debt, and it is difficult for him to open credit...

The two of them looked at Leimi and Ye Kai who were "fighting" at the same time, and saw Ye Kai's lightsaber writhing up and down. Although it was not as powerful as Forrest Gump's giant sword, it was used to the extreme!

Raptor Slashing, Sword Slashing, Phantom Sword Dance, Army Breaking Dragon Attack, Army Breaking Dragon Attack, these extremely high and profound sword soul martial arts are just like ordinary skills in Ye Kai's hands, and they are easily defeated by him. play out.

A-Gump frowned slightly, Ye Kai's swordsmanship...how should I put it?It is too natural to use, and its power is also very powerful.

However, it seems that his own swordsmanship only has those basic swordsmanship.

It seems that those sword skills have been tempered and honed, and he has developed his own style.

But those powerful skills are too plain to add to my own understanding.In this case, even though he has reached the realm of a sword master, it will be even more difficult to take a step forward.

Maybe it's because he's too young?In the future, after he becomes familiar with these advanced skills, he should be able to add his own understanding.

The Tower of Despair is indeed a good trial location for him.

"Who are you guys?" Lukexi asked with complicated eyes.

She felt that today was doomed.

Unexpectedly, none of the four could beat them.

Forrest Gump, on the other hand, doesn't look so cruel.

Or, can you let yourself go?

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