In other words, shouldn't he be a Juggernaut?Wait, wait, the power of the four elements.

Could it be true?

Chapter 351 Ye Kai vs Xi Lan

The visitor had unruly brown short hair, a plain and simple gray-black robe, holding a seemingly ordinary Taidao, a wine gourd hanging around his waist, a body with not strong but strong muscles, two cross scars on his chest, There is a free and unrestrained smile on his face.

Ye Kai recognized this guy at a glance, isn't this Xi Lan from the Gate of Time and Space?The legendary master swordsman, with one-handed phantom sword dance, can play the effect of phantom sword dance no matter how you fight...

Those who are handsome are called uncles, and those who are ugly are idiots. Only after watching A Ganzuo and Xi Lan did they understand how painful this is.Two people, two styles, one tough guy type, one handsome guy type, both are the type that girls are obsessed with...

Xi Lan looks like a young man, but she is actually thirty-three years old now, but she looks much younger than A-Gump Zuo.

"Xilan?" Ye Kai asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

And Remy and Fulan had already cleaned up the battlefield, seeing that the person who came was not an enemy, but Ye Kai knew them, so they didn't act rashly, but watched the fun from the sidelines.

Xi Lan shrugged indifferently and said: "You really know me, I received a letter from A Ganzuo, and I heard that he has a good employer, saying that you are a four-line ghost sword, how can I believe such things?

I went to Linus again, and he said that A-Gump left to patrol and you came to play in the ruins.

There is something wrong with the ruins recently, I am about to investigate, and you are here, and you are still a team of three, then I am right to find you.

How did you know Forrest Gump?He didn't make it very clear.

But you're okay, you don't use giant swords, only idiots use giant swords! "

As expected of chatter, this series of cannonballs is too watery, and it took Ye Kaitang a long time to understand the cause and effect.

"I understand, so you came to find me?" Ye Kai said loudly.

Xi Lan has a problem with her ears, Ye Kai knew about it when she was playing games...

"Yeah, I'm looking for you. How about it? I heard that you're going to the Tower of Despair in the Canyon of the Dead. I'm very interested! If it wasn't for the strong gene that likes to copy there, maybe I would It's time to break through.

Well, I was worried about your strength at first, but now that I see Birash, I am worried too much!As for weapons, it is promising to use Taidao.

In this way, let's compare swordsmanship and see the moves! "Xilan hit as soon as she said, leaving no room for Ye Kai to think about things.

However, Ye Kai's swordsmanship was not fake, he replaced the sword with a lightsaber, and rushed towards Xilan!

It is definitely the most unwise choice to deal with Xi Lan with a Taidao.

This guy is not like Ye Kai, who has strengthened all the way, but has reached the current state by relying on the comprehension of Taisao and Sword Soul.

Among the living sword masters, there are no outstanding lightsaber masters, so it is best to be caught off guard with this.

"Blast Shadow Hand? Not bad!"

Xi Lan took turns with the sword and rushed towards Ye Kai.

Many people in this world have space backpacks, Ye Kai's space items are not very strange.

Brush, brush, brush...

Face ghost swordsmanship vs. face ghost swordsmanship, lightsaber fight Taidao!

Xi Lan's katana skills are not as weird and tricky as Ye Kai's, but rather a bit bold and easy.

hum, hum...

The phantom sword dance effect will appear when this guy cuts two knives, which makes Ye Kai both surprised and happy.

He could see that Xi Lan had no intention of hiding anything!

He used the phantom sword dance in his instinct, which is why he can send and receive it so freely.

His weapon is not ordinary, it is called Xi Lan's katana.

This weapon was brought by Xilan when she appeared on the stage, but because the appearance is no different from ordinary katana, most players think that Xilan is using a rusty katana.

Following Xi Lan's example, Ye Kai began to incorporate his best skills into swordsmanship.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Ye Kai's disadvantage at the beginning gradually turned into an advantage.

What he is best at is the general use of the four series.

On the sword, blood energy is slowly entangled, and there is Ziyan from Devil May Cry. The two forces do not interfere with each other, and only seek to hurt the enemy.

"Interesting and interesting." Xi Lan jumped back, and Jianmang flew towards Ye Kai again.

With a wave of Ye Kai's hand, Shura's evil light slashed, attached to purple flames and blood energy, canceling that slash.

Ye Kai's eyes became more and more excited, he seemed to have opened the door to a new world!

For the four series of ghost swords, not every skill has to be released individually!

Forrest Ganzuo's swordsmanship is too thick, but not many skills, Ye Kai can't learn much.

But Xi Lan, Ye Kai saw it.

Xi Lan also found out that Ye Kai actually made a breakthrough?He had a strange feeling before that Ye Kai's kung fu didn't seem to be practiced by himself, but was born with him, it was too rigid.

Apart from basic sword skills, Ye Kai's big moves are very unfamiliar.

In this way, even if one reaches the realm of a Juggernaut, he cannot be called a Juggernaut.

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