Now, it's okay!

Is the lightsaber expert Ye Kai?interesting.

Xi Lan didn't hide anything, Phantom Sword Dance galloped out on his Taidao.

Ye Kai didn't hesitate either, and also used Phantom Sword Dance.

Xi Lan's phantom sword dance is a normal color.

And the leaves are open, a little reddish purple!On it, the power of Blood Qi Blade and Ghost Slash is added!


"Wow, do you want to kill me?" Xi Lan jumped away from the spot.

Ye Kai's phantom sword dance not only destroyed Xi Lan's phantom sword dance, but also cut a big hole in the iron gate behind!

"Sorry, my hands were itchy for a while!" Ye Kai's eyes lit up.


Xi Lan rushed towards Ye Kai like a wild dragon.

In fact, he is not very good at Raptor Severing Slash, the best one for this move is Bane.

But compared to Ye Kai, it's actually about the same.

Ye Kai didn't use the same trick, but used the Breaking Army and Rising Dragon Strike!


The weapon in his hand has changed from the Double Dragon Phantom Sword to the Yilong Sword!

boom!No surprise, Xi Lan was picked up and flew out, and Ye Kai smashed it down vigorously!

On the sword, blood energy and purple energy are still entangled, making the already heavy giant sword more powerful.


Xi Lan held the Taidao with both hands, blocking Ye Kai's blow.

Click click.

The ground, a spider web of cracks.

And Xi Lan was photographed by Ye Kai into the ground more than ten meters away!

"Ahem... you bastard, stop beating!" Xi Lan jumped out, waving her hands helplessly.

He could see that Ye Kai had already understood how to use it, after that, he could only rely on himself to accumulate, think a little bit, and practice a little bit.

"Thank you so much! For a stranger like me, you have done so much." Ye Kai saluted Xi Lan sincerely.

His swordsmanship has always been studied and pondered by himself.

Xi Lan's guidance surpassed ten years of hard work!

"No, no, you are A-Gump Zuo's friend and you are my friend." Xi Lan waved her hand.

Can use ghosts and gods, blood energy, fluctuations, and swordsmanship.

The scariest thing is that he hasn't been devoured yet, and looks more lucid than anyone else.

Such a person is at least not a bad person.

If there are too many evil thoughts, they will be swallowed by blood, or betrayed by ghosts and gods, so they cannot be used so freely.

Lukexi needs to restrain himself with ghosts and gods, but Ye Kai doesn't use it, which is a large part of the reason.

After all, he threw all the darkness in his heart to the hands of ghosts.

Even if it turns into a ghost, it will be escorted by the Kunlun Mirror.

"Ah? A-Gump Zuo said I was his friend?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

It's not like what he can say.

"Can you fight?" Xi Lan asked.


"Can I drink?"

"no problem!"

"That's my friend!" Xi Lan patted Ye Kai's shoulder and said.

Well, it's not that Forrest Gump got enlightened by co-authoring, it's because your requirements are low!

Chapter 352 Big Bang!

"Fran, what are you playing?" Remi looked curiously at Fran, who had a huge sword in one hand and a necklace in the other.

"It's something that fell out of the armor uncle. After he died, he turned into black air, and then these two appeared." Fran said indifferently.

She picked up these two things without any hassle, but Ye Kai had been fighting with Xi Lan and didn't notice.

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