"Fuck? Exploded?" Ye Kai was taken aback. He had never experienced Borodin's explosion, and he always used titles.

This, there is no one with this character!

Ye Kai ignored Xi Lan, rushed to Fulan, and picked up two things from Fulan's hand.

Fulan also saw Ye Kai's excitement and felt happy for him.

Xi Lan was a little funny, but she didn't stop her.

Only this kind of ruins can burst out magic equipment, which is the energy of the adventurer's equipment after death, and the condensed soul of the adventurer: the weapon of Borodin during his lifetime.

This time he came to investigate because of this.

Because in recent years, the four Juggernauts survived, and many adventurers came to explore without knowing the heights of the sky and the earth, and then died here, making Borodin much stronger.

Now, Leu was picked up by Ye Kai.

The giant sword is as tall as a person, the blade is very wide, about [-] centimeters long, and the hilt is so large that it fits comfortably in both hands.

【Hammer King Borodin's Stunning Sword: Great Sword】

[Grade: Legend. 】

[Attribute bonus: strength +68, when attacking, there is a 5% chance to cause enemies within 120px to enter a stun state for 2 seconds, and the damage to enemies in a stun state is +10%. 】

[Required level: 85. 】

[Explanation: It is said that the person who owns this sword can rule the whole world - a legend left from ancient times. 】

【Supreme Majesty: Necklace】

[Grade: Legend]

[Attribute bonuses: intelligence +40, spirit +99, inherit the majesty of the Forgotten King, increase strength and intelligence by 100 points, independent attack power by 54 points, and 5% physical and magic critical strike rate.When attacked by a broken move, there is a 100% chance to summon the Hammer King Borodin]

[Required level: 85. 】

[Explanation: Although later generations called him a "tyrant", there were indeed countless knights who declared their allegiance to him at that time, and even after losing their royal power, there were still many knights who chose to side with him]

"How is it, what is it?" Xi Lan asked with a smile.

Adventurers in this world can see the names and attributes of items, and can also name them themselves.

For example, if Ye Kai creates an original weapon, he can name it, and then use magic to input the description into it.

The same is true for those legends and epics, whoever imported them first will own them, and some people are too lazy to write, so they are imported by later generations.

"The sword is the shocking sword of the Hammer King Borodin, but unfortunately it can't be used now. The necklace is the supreme majesty, so it can't be used either." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"What? Supreme majesty?" Remy was instantly excited when she heard the name.


She flew in front of Ye Kai, snatched the necklace, and put it around her neck.

"Hey, a force rose in my body, and I actually became stronger? Sure enough, the supreme majesty is just suitable for Lord Remy." Remy nodded without shame.

She was also afraid that Ye Kai would not give it to her, so she grabbed it first.

Although this necklace is a bit too old, it still looks good and rich.

Unfortunately, not very suitable for children.

Remi stuffed it into the clothes without any hassle, it seemed that she had no intention of returning it to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai has black lines all over his head!

Wait, why does Remy work?Could it be that she is already at level eighty-five?

[The difference between the first echelon of Gensokyo and the big monsters is actually whether they have the power of the second level]

[This kind of level restriction mainly restricts the host. After all, the power of the host is extracted from the system, not trained by oneself]

Is that so?That Remy is also good, anyway, he is not bad for this necklace...

When he is eighty-five, there will be better ones, for sure!

It's impossible to return Remy's appearance to him, so comfort yourself...

The supreme majesty!The name should not have been spoken.

Ye Kai looked at Xi Lan with a displeased face, looking at Xi Lan inexplicably.

He still doesn't know that because of him, Ye Kai was robbed of a legendary necklace.

But Remy can actually use the power here?It seems that Remy is not a weak person either!

Wait, A-Gump Zuo said, it's not Ye Kai who is scary, it's these two little lolis.

Xi Lan took a deep look at the two Lolitas, and after Ye Kai went to the Tower of Despair, it was necessary to have a discussion.

"Hey, miss, Fulan, if this guy wants to compete with you, remember to be gentle, he can be regarded as a friend no matter what." Ye Kai knew what he was thinking when he saw Xi Lan.

Just now, he fought with himself without saying anything, which is the behavior of Wu Chi.

Although he didn't help himself deal with Borodin after he came, his starting point was fine.

Besides, he helped himself break through, so there was no reason to cheat him because of the ownership of a necklace.

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