[Ancient Erwin Ring: Ring]

[Grade: Artifact. 】

[Attribute bonus: strength +40, intelligence +41, when magically attacking, there is a 6% chance to increase the intelligence of oneself by 8%, and the effect lasts for 30 seconds. 】

[Required level: 55. 】

[Description: A ring that was accidentally picked up in the Forgotten Land]

Ye Kai said tremblingly, "Do you have a friend named Jug?"

The earthen pot was about to collapse, but he still held back his tears and said with a sob: "No."

So, his jar can be opened to produce black pearls, bone rings, and Alvin?

Chapter 354

Earth Pot felt very unlucky today.

His life is fairly tidy, but his memory is not so good, and there is no pattern when he puts the jar every day.

Therefore, the pots he brings every day are all random, and he doesn't have much inheritance equipment in total. The three pieces that Remy opened are the most treasured treasures, and he only has these three.

This is a good time, all of them were driven away by Remy!

How good it is to deliver letters to the elves honestly, what a jerk to sell jars!

It's the pot of gold that this kid said... I seem to be able to find some people to join the team and get a dividend?

"It looks pretty good." Remi snatched the ring from Ye Kai's hand, handed the golden ancient Alvin to Fran, and said with a smile: "Fran, take it for fun. "

"Thank you, sister." Fran actually knew how to be polite to her sister. It was not easy.

But Ye Kai's heart is bleeding!

Fran put on the ring and said doubtfully, "Hey, I seem to have become stronger."

Adding intelligence and strength, Fran's barrage is still a magic attack, it's strange if it doesn't become stronger!

"The things in this world are really strange, and I feel stronger when I wear them." Remy also brought the silver black pearl-Mister.

"As for this, give it to Paqi or Sakuya!" Remy felt that the bone ring was not very good-looking, and finally thought of Sakuya and Paqi.

"They must be very happy!" Fran laughed.

"Well, Master Remy treats everyone equally, and has always been generous to his servants and friends!" Remy said proudly with her hands on her hips, "Fate told me that good things would happen if I chose these three pots, so I really didn't lie. "

Ye Kai put his hand under Remi's armpit, lifted Remi up, and said tearfully, "Miss, I've treated you well, leave one for me!"

"Hmph, who told you not to take the money just now?" Remy twisted her neck and ignored Ye Kai.

It was only then that Ye Kai remembered that Missy's destiny ability is simply a bug in this world!

As long as you bring Remy, it is equivalent to bringing a bunch of small amulets with a boost rate!

Uh... crossed the stage, that is Diablo.

However, Remy really has this effect!

Such as strengthening, such as lottery draw, if Remy is allowed to go, it must be indomitable!

Clay pots, gold pots, wooden pots, water pots, fire pots.

By the way, there is also the most deceitful Kelly, spit out everything you owed me back then!

You give me back thirteen days of frost, give me back the cry of fourteen kings, give me back twelve magic swords, and give me back eleven shadowless swords!

I want to strengthen all my equipment to 13 in this world, no system, use Remy!

By the way, is Kelly here at this time?

"Miss, think about it, when I was working in the Scarlet Devil's Mansion, I only got one month's salary.

Think again, when we opened the playground, how many customers were there?There are also hot spring hotels, those people don't live in VIP at all!

There is also that hateful red and white, which often comes to my place to fight the autumn wind.That nasty black and white mouse frequents my safe, I am miserable!

Now that I have managed to save this little money, it is not enough for Youyouzi to eat, do you think it is easy for me?

Look at how poor I am, I have to take care of your food and bath every day, and treat you like a baby every day. I have never treated you badly, and even brought you to these...places for adventure.

Do you think it's okay to let me take the money again? "Ye Kai said with snot and tears.

For the bone ring, he risked it all!

When the bone ring breaks the move, half of the physical attack and power of the weapon will be added to the bone ring.


Since the breaking move itself has a 25% damage bonus, after wearing the bone ring, the breaking move's damage is far more than 150%!The maximum can reach 187.5%!

Since the birth of the level 60 version, the bone ring has been one of the most expensive equipment in dnf.In the early days, the price was fired up to 1000 yuan each.

In this world, it is even more priceless!

If this kind of top-quality equipment dares to appear in the auction house, it is estimated that many strong people will flock to it.

Claypot, what a beautiful job to put this in a jar!

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