"Seeing how pitiful you are, I'll give it to you! But I and Fran won't give it to you!" Remy gritted her teeth.

Ye Kai was suddenly excited, and put on the bone ring.

He is not a magician for the remaining two, so wearing them is useless!

"By the way, remember to deliver the letter for me!" Ye Kai stabbed the earth pot's heart.

Tu Can's heart was bleeding, and he took the letter from Ye Kai to Celia.

He swore that he would never sell the jar to Ye Kai again!

Draw his avatar in the future, let him go offline if he plans to develop, and hide from Ye Kai!

Linus' blacksmith shop.

"Yo, Forrest Gump, you're back! Who the hell are those guys? I'll go, you didn't see that Ye Kai is so fierce!

Obviously, he was only a half sword master before, but after a fight with me, he had an epiphany and learned to add other skills to the sword.

The legendary Soderos would use Rampage.

This guy, if he grows up to that time, he will be stronger than Soderos, he is really a terrifying person.

And the two lolis he brought with him are even more fierce!Clent and his tiger were frightened by the momentum alone, not daring to move.

That is definitely our level, even surpassing our existence! "Seeing A-Gump left, Xi Lan talked like a cannonball.

"By the way, who is this dark elf? Is your employer or your mission target?" Xi Lan looked at Lukexi and said.

Lukexi frowned slightly, but did not speak.

This guy is Xi Lan, one of the Four Sword Masters that A-Gump left told him, right?

When she was patrolling with A-Gump, she saw the mourning cave in the distance, and instinctively felt that something was wrong inside.

This is her dark elf's intuition.

However, she didn't tell A-Gump because she felt unsure.

It's not in her character to go to such a dangerous place because of instinct.

Let's talk about it when the time is right...

Fortunately, she didn't say anything, otherwise, both she and A-Gump would be buried inside.

The fifth apostle, Sherlock, has just been transferred to the Moaning Cave.

"They are indeed very strong, she is my friend." A-Gump Zuo said indifferently.

He is used to Xi Lan's clamor.

"So that's the case! By the way, have you settled your affairs? I can't wait! How far can this guy go in the Tower of Despair?" Xi Lan said excitedly.

"I don't know, I just complete the task." A-Gump left indifferently said.

"Anyway, you are also a sword master, please pay more attention, please!" Xi Lan rolled her eyes.

"When an elf arrives, we will set off." A-Gump Zuo said indifferently.

"Elf?" Xi Lan was a little puzzled.

They went to the Tower of Despair, why did they take the elves?

Chapter 355

Linus' home naturally couldn't accommodate so many people, so Ye Kai directly found an adventurer's hotel to deal with it for the night, and even brought Xi Lan along.

Xi Lan said that A-Gump Zuo asked him to come to her, and Ye Kai felt full of malice.

He looked at his bone ring enviously, but I have it, but you don't, hehe...

"I didn't expect to be able to buy this kind of thing in Earth Jar. I'll try it tomorrow." Xi Lan said with a look of greed.

"You, you don't have the European imperial blood of my young lady, you African!" Ye Kai said contemptuously.

"Tch, it's just a ring. I'll ask Kaluya to make one for me when I have time!" Xi Lan turned her head away.

"Kaluya, the swordsmith master?" Ye Kai was surprised, he didn't expect Xi Lan to know him.

"Well, he is very good at making swords, and even his apprentices are master-level blacksmiths." Xi Lan said proudly.

"It's not you, what are you talking about." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

He and Xi Lan can be regarded as a kind of acquaintance.

This guy should be able to be friends with anyone, right?

Xi Lan gave Ye Kai such a feeling.

However, it is true that Xi Lan is talkative and likes to make friends, but most of his friends are strong or outstanding in the field.

Ordinary people can't get in touch with Xi Lan.

"Go to bed early, we have to go to the Tower of Despair tomorrow." Ye Kai stood up and said.

"Well, by the way, why are there only two rooms open?" Xi Lan asked with some doubts.

"Oh, I'll sleep with them." Ye Kai pointed to Remi and Fulan who were already asleep in his arms and necks.

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