They're used to it, and habit is a terrible thing.

"Okay." Xi Lan said so, but looked at Ye Kai with the eyes of a beast.

Sleeping with Missy and Fulan in my arms, I am so happy!Loli or something, the best.

Elf tribe.

"Seria, I have your letter." A male elf knocked on the door of Seria's room.

Celia opened the door, took the letter, and said softly, "Thank you."

The male elf blushed and ran away quickly.

Even if Celia is in the elves, there are not a few suitors, but she has never promised anyone.

Anyway, elves are very long-lived, she is still young.So far, I haven't come across anything I like.

Back in the very warmly decorated tree house, Celia opened the letter.

To Celia:

If we don't see each other for a day, it's like three autumns, so we haven't seen each other for almost nine years, right?


Celia laughed, and continued to read: Now, A-Gump left to find Xilan, the work is over, and I just came back from the ruins.The combination of Tower of Despair is just short of you, what are you waiting for?

Tomorrow morning, Adventurer Hotel, Room 106, waiting for you!

by: Ye Kai.

There is no Internet in this era, and Celia did not understand the connotation of Ye Kai's letter.

She casually put away the letter, full of longing for tomorrow.

Is it the romance of an adventurer to witness a strong man challenge the Tower of Despair?

Hope, you can win!Even if you just watch silently outside, you can count yourself as participating in the adventure.

Early the next morning.

dong dong dong...

"Ye Kai, I'm here." A gentle voice sounded at the door.

Ye Kai opened his eyes, took down the two lolis lying on his body, and opened the door.

Celia stood at the door pretty, her braids were higher than before, she was wearing a green dress with a big red bow on the back.

"Morning, Celia!" Ye Kai greeted Celia, and he who was still a little sleepy suddenly regained his energy.

Celia, it's so healing...

"Where are the rest?" Celia looked inside, and there were only two lolis who were sleeping hugging each other.

"They gathered at Linus, I'll wait for you here." Ye Kai said casually.

"Huh? Why don't you gather there together?" Celia seemed to have a big question mark on her forehead.

"Because I want to walk with you alone." Ye Kai said with a smile.

When I played games before, I was always alone together.

Now want to try this feeling in reality.

Celia's pretty face flushed a little.

The elves are very reserved. When doing tasks in the game, Kakun also woos Celia through adventurers instead of coming by himself.

Hearing Ye Kai's bold words, Celia felt a little embarrassed.

"Let's go now." Celia said softly.

As for walking alone, why did she bring two lolis with her, Celia didn't delve into it.

Ye Kai took the young lady off the bed, hugged her in his arms, and handed Fran to Celia.

"This has to be done well, they don't like sunlight." Ye Kai took out a silver umbrella from the space backpack and handed it to Celia.

"That's it, what a beautiful umbrella." Celia nodded, holding the umbrella, and walked out of the hotel with Ye Kai.

The two lolis haven't woken up until now, and they are sleeping very sweetly in their arms.

In particular, Fran turned over in Celia's arms, and buried her little head in a small gully in Celia.

What Ye Kai saw was envy, jealousy and hatred!

Can I switch places?

The dnf players that Ye Kai met had a natural affection for Celia.

Even if we meet in reality, there is no barrier at all.

Now that Ye Kai has experienced so many storms, he will naturally not dare to breathe like a dead house.

Has he seen too many goddesses?

"Each of us holds one, a bit like newlyweds." Ye Kai said with emotion.

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