"Ye Kai, you, you are too rude..." Celia lowered her head, a little embarrassed.

For Ye Kai, he has known Celia for ten years.

For Celia, it was only the second time they met, and they actually made such a joke with her.

But Celia didn't agree, nor refused, it was only Tao Kan.

"Oh, so it's Celia!" Xi Lan waved to the two from a distance.

"Morning!" Ye Kai greeted Xi Lan.

Several people met at the door of Linus' house.

"Mr. Sealand, Mr. Aganzuo, Mr. Linus, Miss Lukexi, excuse me." Celia bowed one by one, very polite.

A-Gump nodded left.

Luke also nodded.

"Well, hello, hello, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be so young, the last time I saw you was ten years ago, right?" Xi Lan said with a sigh.

At that time, he was still a brat who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and Celia was the young girl in her prime now.

Now, he is already an uncle, and Celia is still such a young girl.

Time is a butcher's knife, this sentence is not applicable to elves...

"The outskirts of the Death Canyon are also very dangerous, but I'm relieved if you guys talk about it." Linus smiled while forging the iron.

He couldn't understand Ye Kai, and he didn't have much contact with him.

But it is undeniable that Ye Kai is very dangerous and powerful.

When A Ganzuo said that he would go to the Death Canyon with him, Linus hesitated for a while, thinking about whether he wanted to go with him or not.

Seeing Xi Lan now, he felt relieved.

Two sword masters are not as simple as one plus one equals two.

"Don't worry, Linus, we're just watching the fun." Xi Lan scratched her head and smiled.

"To go there, you need a lot of daily necessities, and challenging the Tower of Despair is not something that happens overnight." Linus frowned.

"Ann, I will prepare these." Ye Kai said confidently.

"Then let's go." A-Gump Zuo said indifferently.

Celia, Lukexi, Xilan, A-Gumpzuo, these people were recruited by him to watch him clear the tower. What a sense of accomplishment is this?

Thinking about the opening of the live broadcast and the enhancement of the live broadcast before, they are all so weak that they are so weak!

If you have the ability, let A-Gump go to watch, let Celia praise, let Xi Lan show a surprised expression!

In these plots, it is really interesting to be with the strong people who have brought themselves to swipe the pictures!

Ye Kai took out some gold bars and distributed them to A Ganzuo and Lukexi, this is the commission.

The two did not refuse, this is what they deserve.

Ye Kai waved his hand and said, "Tower of Despair, let's go!"

Chapter 356

The Canyon of the Dead is located in the north of the continent of Arad, northwest of the west coast.

Ye Kai and others have already arrived here.

On the way, Ye Kai specifically inquired about Kaili in Hutton Mall, but everyone said they had never heard of it.

The adventurer's story begins around 990 in the game, which is the time when the server was opened.

At that time, Kelly had just arrived in Arad.

The current time is 977, about thirteen years earlier, and Kelly should be just a little girl.

However, it's not that we don't report, the time has not yet come.

Sooner or later, let Kelly strengthen her equipment to +13.He obviously misunderstood Kaili. In fact, Kaili didn't want the adventurer's equipment to be broken in her heart.

After all, Kelly is an ordinary Celestial Clan shooter, not an employee of a certain Penguin Group...

There is nothing nearby like in the game. There is still a small village. This village lives on the adventurers who come to the Canyon of the Dead to challenge. It is self-sufficient in production. Adventurers have to pay for staying here, buying and selling. .

After all, in the Canyon of the Dead, there are not only the Tower of Despair, but also many places worth exploring.

However, those have nothing to do with Ye Kai.

"Probably the situation is like this. This yard is given to you, Xilan, and you won't take my money anyway." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Master Remy directly bought a small yard, refusing to rent a house, which is unreasonable, and bought the village head's house.

The village chief originally said nothing, but under Remy's money offensive, he quickly compromised.

"Well, since you're so polite, I'd rather be obedient than respectful." Xi Lan rolled her eyes.

He came to see Ye Kai clearing the tower, and he really didn't have any selfish intentions, he just wanted to see how far Ye Kai could go.

He was not an ordinary person, and he was not short of money, so there was nothing to be hypocritical about, so he accepted Ye Kai's kindness.

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