At this moment, an old voice sounded in the distance.

Chapter 357 Tower of Despair: Open!

"Hey, Master Kaluya." Xi Lan waved vigorously.

"Master Swordsmith, Kaluya? GSD?" Ye Kai's expression changed.

There were not one but two people who came, one was an old man in a very good spirit wearing a black robe.

As for the other... bald, with a bushy beard, two pieces of red X-shaped cross cloth tied around the eyes, a red arm on the left arm, twisted and somewhat unnatural ghost hands, dressed a little poorly, the back plus the waist There are six swords, all short swords.

This person, Ye Kai has known his name for a long time, the mentor of all ghost swordsmen gsd.

"Old man, you're here too!" Xi Lan smiled with her hands on her hips.

"You called the master here?" A-Gump asked curiously.

"This man is so strong." Lukexi frowned slightly.

"Hmph, you're talking about hype, can I not come and see it? It's just that Master Kaluya was a guest at my place at that time, so I didn't have time at that time. Fortunately, I caught up with it." GSD said impatiently.

It can be seen that he and Xi Lan have known each other for a long time.

"Hello, hello..." Ye Kai nodded to gsd.

"Hey, old man, you seem to be very powerful. Are there many strong people like you in this world?" Remy asked suspiciously.

"Miss, be polite..." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"Cut!" Remy pouted.

Naturally, gsd doesn't have the same knowledge as a child, and started chatting with everyone.

A few people said a few words of courtesy, and they understood why gsd appeared here.

It turned out that when Xi Lan was looking for A-Ganzuo with a big mouth, he met GSD on the way and exaggerated the letter that A-Gump left to him.

At that time, gsd was very curious about these three people, and wanted to see who they were.

But at that time, Kaluya was casting swords near his dojo, and it was the most critical moment, and he couldn't do without.

Fortunately, Ye Kai has not yet entered the tower of death.

GSD's gaze has been patrolling back and forth between Remi and Fran.

Both Remy and GSD had an idea in their hearts, this guy is very strong!And what about Fran?Continue to lick the lollipop.

Although gsd is powerful, Fran can't feel any threat from him. It's not that gsd is not strong enough, but that he doesn't have killing intent.

gsd, the master of the Ghost Sword Dojo, runs the Ghost Sword Dojo on Hutton Marley Street.

Aged around 50, not much is known about his past or why he used the name gsd.

He lost his eyes for some reason in the past, and now he is one of the strongest swordsmen in the continent.

In the memoirs of the dnf fan fiction A-Gump left, it is said that his name is Gizad and he is Giger's younger brother.

But Ye Kai and Xi Lan had inquired about it, and it was obviously not the case in reality.

But the Jiger described in the novel defeated Borodin again, that is true.

Now the Four Swordsmen are fledgling, not as good as gsd, so the Four Swordsmen respect him very much.

After the main story of the game and the end of the Sorrow Cave incident, the Four Juggernauts reached the level of fame comparable to gsd.At that time, their strength reached its peak, unlike now.Strength, experience, and magic power are somewhat insufficient compared to gsd.

Well, to put it in layman's terms, the current Four Juggernauts are in their early 50s, gsd84, so it's much clearer.

"Four lines of ghost swordsmen are really unheard of." GSD looked at Ye Kai, and said in amazement: "Legend, there is a catastrophe-responsive adventurer who will prevent the catastrophe of the world. I thought it was a joke before, but now I Believe it."

"Hey, uncle, shouldn't that person be among the four of us?" Xi Lan said with some dissatisfaction.

Someone told him about the catastrophe in the mainland before, but he didn't take it seriously and listened to it as a story.

Now that the old matter is brought up again, he is a little depressed.

Why do these old guys know some unknown things?

"Oh, it's just a prophecy." GSD shook his head, and said deeply: "Since you can use all the abilities of a ghost swordsman perfectly without being bound by ghosts and gods, it is very good."

Ye Kai shook his head and said, "I am still too young to compare with the masters."

"Go, the Tower of Despair is just ahead, I will wait here to see how far you can go. If you see the legendary Soderos, remember to be respectful." gsd said indifferently.

"Senior knows Sword God?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but as long as you are a ghost swordsman, you grew up listening to the legend of Soderos." GSD said softly.

"Okay, I thought you were here to discuss with me. Since that's the case, I'll start first." Ye Kai waved his hand, leaving a back view for everyone.

Even if there is an extra gsd, there is no need to worry about the safety of the eldest lady and the second lady.

With so many people watching him brush the tower, I was a little excited when I thought about it.

Originally, Kaluya came here because he wanted to try his new weapon Kaluya's teachings for himself.

But... that bastard Xi Lan has seen his Yilongjian choice.

Seeing that she had a better weapon, Kalua never mentioned giving her the sword again.

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