Sister, sooner or later one day, I will beat Xi Lan hard...

Around the death canyon, there are some very common monsters, all of which were easily dealt with by Ye Kai.

Not long after, he followed the map provided by Xi Lan and arrived at his goal: the Tower of Despair.

It's a dark tower surrounded by weird rocks.

The body of the tower is made of rocks, metal, and trees. The materials are messy, but they have a different aesthetic feeling.

If you want to go up the tower, you have to go through a long step, and then open the door to enter.

Because it is daytime now, unlike in the game, the sky is covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

It seemed that it was a little less eerie.

Ye Kai took a deep breath. In the game, he must reach level [-] to challenge.

But he is a real person now, not the data in the game, and cannot be calculated according to the level of the game.

After all, for the four-element ghost sword, if he wants to achieve real growth and integrate the abilities of the four elements, he must take this step.

A dark warrior, that kind of person is definitely no match for a real ghost swordsman, he just replaced everything with darkness.

However, ghosts and gods, fluctuations, blood energy, and swordsmanship all have to pay a price in order to reach the real peak.

Therefore, although the dark warrior has many skills, he cannot use the truly powerful skills of the ghost swordsman at all.

Moreover, the path Ye Kai has to take is not to use the four series of ghost swords in turn, but to integrate them.

The Tower of Despair is the best place to practice.

Squeak, Ye Kai pushed open the door and walked in.

The Tower of Despair is not a place where you can come whenever you want.

The periphery here will reject a large number of adventurers, they can't get close at all!It's like, there are not enough levels in the game.Otherwise, everyone will come to challenge, and there is no need for ticket money.

Chapter 358 The challenge begins

"After so many years, I never thought there would be a challenger..."

An uncle with a huge ax slowly stood up.

This is a room full of technology, full of incomprehensible machines.

Here, people will not feel hunger, as if any natural needs have disappeared without a trace.

"Are you the gatekeeper on the first floor?" Ye Kai slowly pulled out the meteor knife, and said in a deep voice, "Ghost swordsman Ye Kai, please advise."

"In this match, we will not die. Remember, I am the pious Fei Nayin." Fei Nayin said softly.

bang, bang, bang...

As soon as the words fell, countless Molotov cocktails and bombs smashed towards Ye Kai.

The ground instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames!

Ye Kai had already guarded against his move.

In reality, there is no need to wait for the cd.


Ye Kai rushed towards the opponent like a mad dragon. The mad dragon is not a golden sword aura, but a strange red-purple aura!

With the addition of blood energy and the power of ghosts and gods, Ye Kai already has some experience.

His eyes are now closed.

This is also a step that he has researched and must take.

As long as he is in a fighting state, he must be blind, so that he can perfectly wield the power of the four ghost swords!

Before Shura switched with other professions, although the time was very short, less than a second.

But, for real masters, it's too deadly!

Waves will tell him where the enemy is and how strong the enemy is.

In battle, the eyes seem to become a burden.

His red and blue pupils still radiate light, but that doesn't mean he can see.

"What?" Fei Nayin had an unbelievable expression on his face.

He has seen ghost swordsmen before, and he has heard of ghost swordsmen who can go berserk.

However, I have never seen a sword god who can use ghosts and blood energy!

He was dumbfounded...


Ye Kai passed through the flames, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.


With all his strength, the long and narrow Meteor Star Knife slashed at his neck!Draw your sword and chop!Add ghost whip, bloody blade!

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