Before Huck could react... the ghost flashed!


Huck was knocked out.

"Damn it! You're really working hard! Devil May Cry? Take my Holy Light Ball!" Huck turned the cross, and the golden Holy Light Ball flew towards Ye Kai.

"I've let you down." Ye Kai grinned coldly.

Shura Evil Light Slash!

Chapter 359 Soderos

"Wow, you still know Shura's skills? I underestimated you!" Huck didn't seem worried at all, and was very excited to see Ye Kai's skills flying over.

"Pick me up the Holy Light Shield!" Huck roared.

It was that move again, flying towards Ye Kai.

Explosive Flame Wave Sword!


The huge fireball rushed towards the opponent's skills.


The collision of fire and light caused a violent explosion!

The opportunity is here.

Clash the ground!


Ye Kai's sword was slapped on the ground fiercely by him, and a strong blood energy soared up, covering Huck's body.

"Wow wow wow..."

At first, Huck's voice was full of energy.

But his voice became weaker and weaker.

Ye Kai frowned slightly.

died?It shouldn't be. Although the attack power is not low, it shouldn't kill the opponent.The other party didn't tell him that he wanted to fight to the death, so he didn't choose to kill him either.

"Haha, I lied to you! Lei Guang Qin Dun!"

It's that huge cross of light again, but this time the attribute seems to include electric shock.

Seeing him recovering, Ye Kai was suddenly taken aback.

It turned out that his voice and breath of life were getting weaker and weaker at that time, not to lie to himself, but...he used slow healing.

Forget it, this guy can only push his potential here, and won't play with you anymore.

Ice Blade Wave Sword!

Ye Kai's ice blade blocked the opponent's skills.

Saya of Frost!Rakshasa of the plague!Primo of Corrosion!

"Hey, hey, why are you still playing this trick, summoning ghosts and gods? Fuck, the skill just now was to slash mountains and rip apart the ground, but you can still use the moves of a berserker? Are you kidding me! Coach, he uses cheats!" Haha Ke yelled in bewilderment.



Ye Kai came behind him, Phantom Sword Dance!


Unlike the actual knife cutting, the damage caused by the sword glow obviously will not kill the opponent.

Think about it this way, the first one is so weak.

"Ah, it hurts! No more fights, no more fights, I surrender, Mengxin is a monster!" Huck howled.

It's a pity that since the skills have been released, there is no reason to take them back, otherwise Ye Kai will suffer internal injuries...


Huck was hit on the wall by the last sword glow.

Click click.

There were cracks visible to the naked eye on the wall.


He fell to the ground and passed out.

After a while, the ground and walls damaged by Ye Kai returned to their original appearance.


Ye Kai sat on the ground and took a rest. Most of his magic power was consumed in this battle. The advantage is that the fusion is getting faster and faster.

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