The level has also been raised to 55.

[Pass the first floor of the Tower of Despair, increase experience by 10%]

[Name: Ye Kai.Race: ghosts and gods.Occupation: Ghost Swordsman (one sleep), level 55.Experience: 0%]

Tower of Despair, ninety-six floors.

"Here, time passes slowly..."

It was an old man who spoke. Unlike ordinary swordsmen, he wore various swords on his body.At this time, he was standing by the window, staring directly at the visiting woman with a pair of sharp eyes.

The swordsman felt that his intuition had also begun to become a little dull.Facing the swordsman's staring eyes, the woman behaved very calmly.

"Maybe it's like what you said. But here, you can have more time to practice."

Indeed, the swordsman's body is covered with countless wounds, large and small, which are the proof of his hard work day and night.

The swordsman's eyes were firm and persistent, as if telling the visitor that he would not miss any opportunity.Being stared at by the person in front of her like a prey, other people might have already looked away, but the woman still looked at him calmly.

After a while of silence, the swordsman finally couldn't help but speak first:

"You once said that you want me to wait here until the day I fight that person, right?"

"Yes." There was no emotion in the woman's voice.

"Now that I have practiced for nearly two thousand years, am I his opponent?"

"Probably not enough."

"Isn't it enough..."

"I'm looking forward to the duel with that person even more now."

Soderos, the strongest swordsman in the legend, was once known as the sword master and is now the sword god.

"Hehe, here comes a descendant of Ghost Swordsman. He is very strong. If you are interested, he will come." The woman said softly.

"Junior? How strong can it be? Like Liang Yue?" Soderos showed a look of interest.

He and Liang Yue have now represented the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship of the two has broken through the realm of a sword master and reached the level of a sword god.

Liang Yue and Soderos are two extremes.One pursues the limit of swordsmanship, and the other pursues the limit of sword intent.

"You know, all ghost swordsmen? This is the first time I've seen it. He shoulders the power of Berserker, Asura, Devil May Cry, and Juggernaut. The other three powers have reached the same level as Juggernaut. "The woman said calmly.

"If he is, it reminds me of Giger," Soderos said.

"Priest Jiger, the current ghost Jiger? Well, it looks a bit like that." The woman nodded.

"Which floor is this person on now?" Soderos said softly.

"Just arrived at the second floor." The woman said indifferently.

"Do you think he can come up and help me sharpen my sword?" Soderos said.

What he pursued was pure, not other kinds of abilities.

Even if there are several other abilities for him to use, he is too lazy to use them.

What he likes is only the rampage of the berserkers.

It is his philosophy that swordsmanship should be refined rather than excessive.

"He will, but he doesn't know when." The woman said softly.

"It is undeniable that he may go further, but I prefer pure swords." Soderos shook his head.

"You and Liang Yuelai's realm before the tower of death has already been reached by someone, count him as five." The woman said softly.

"Isn't that better? I haven't met an opponent worthy of my sword for a long time. Clarice is very lonely." Soderos narrowed his eyes and said.

"Speaking of the magic sword, Apophis seems to have been born. Tell me, is your Clarice or Apophis the most powerful?" The woman smiled.

"What? Isn't that sword in the Demon Realm?" Soderos' gaze suddenly became extremely sharp.

The magic sword is Sherlock's weapon!Moreover, she can control it with her invisible power.

In the latest version of the game, after clearing the screams, Sherlock will appear and leave in the form of a magic sword.

Although her main body is dead, her mind, as if it can last forever, can be transformed into a magic sword, and can also lend its power to the magic gunman.

"The apostle appeared in this world, that's why I woke up from my long sleep this time." The woman said indifferently.

Soderos said in a deep voice, "Do you need me to take action?"

The woman shook her head, and said calmly: "No need, the prophesied culprit has appeared, and I am going to sleep again. When someone breaks into your place, I will wake up."

"Well, I'll wait." Soderos closed his eyes and stopped asking. He was such a person.

Chapter 360 Four Years

It has been four years since Ye Kai entered the Tower of Despair.

This is still for the outside, and for the inside, I don't know how long it has been.

"Remy, Fran, slow down." Celia shouted while chasing the two lolis.

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