"I can feel that you are not a bad person." Azra angrily issued a good person card.

"Although you didn't mean anything malicious when you said this, it still makes people very uncomfortable." Ye Kai waved his hand helplessly and said, "Forget it, let's talk about the future."

He has to follow the tasks issued by the system. The violent search and arrest team has been protecting the apostles. If there is a conflict, he will still give priority to the tasks.

His first task now is to kill an apostle.Wait, it seems like the mission is to defeat Sherlock, not kill Sherlock!

She's invisible and hard to kill, which is one of the reasons.

Another reason is that, in fact, Sherlock was not wrong!

She can move freely only in warm places, so she placed her home in the orbital center of the Demon Realm.

She was the first apostle among the apostles to be victimized by a mutation.

After being transferred to the cold mourning cave, she was in such pain that she could not feel the light and warmth, so that she finally had a mental breakdown and began to attack everything frantically.

When the Four Juggernauts and Lukexi came to the Cave of Sorrows to investigate the change, Sherlock had completely lost his sanity and left hints about Herder's conspiracy before he died, but unfortunately no one could understand.

Ye Kai left the Tower of Despair in a daze.

In other words, this is the rhythm of the harem +1?

Forget it, people are forced.

Besides, a kiss won't kill anyone.

It's still an innocent girl in this world, she blush like this after just one kiss.

If it was the previous life, it might not even come once.

"Huh? How do you know I'm coming out today?"

Ye drove out of the Tower of Despair and found many people gathered around it.

Including Celia, they are all qualified to enter the Tower of Despair.

Um... also.

These people are all strong.

"Because of Master Remy's prophecy!" Remy excitedly rode on Ye Kai's neck.

Sure enough, the servant's body was the most comfortable.

And Fulan also fell into Ye Kai's embrace.

Celia stretched out her hand, a little disappointed.

After raising them for so long, they actually ran into Ye Kai's arms immediately.

But yes, they haven't seen Ye Kai for a long time.

Even if Remy and Fulan didn't say anything, she knew that they missed Ye Kai very much.

"Ye Kai, long time no see." Celia said softly.

"Long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful." Ye Kai greeted Celia.

Sure enough, Celia is better.

A Ganzuo and Lukexi didn't speak, but nodded to Ye Kai.

"How is it? What floor? What floor? Have you met anyone?" Xi Lan asked excitedly.

"Ninety-sixth floor, Soderos." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"How is it?" A powerful aura erupted from gsd's body!

"Eh... very strong, I can't test his limit now. Unless, use a unique move." Ye Kai shook his head.

"You dare not use all your strength in a competition with Soderos?" Xi Lan asked in surprise.

"My trick is to turn ghosts into gods." Ye Kai said indifferently.

Everyone immediately understood what Ye Kai meant.

The deification of ghosts is too uncontrollable, and the damage caused is too strong.

"You, have you ever used ghost transformation?" A-Gump frowned.

It was A-Gump who was more reliable, and immediately discovered the problem in Ye Kai's words.

"Well, one hour, and then you can regain your sanity." Ye Kai nodded.

"What? How is this possible?" GSD said in shock.

After being transformed into a ghost, can he not die?

You know, deification of ghosts is equivalent to the end of ghost hands!

"I don't know why, my ghost hand never troubles me." Ye Kai glanced at his left arm and smiled.

"Big brother, I'm so hungry, ahhh."

Fulan bit Ye Kai's left arm and started eating.Ye Kai didn't care, he was used to it.

Everyone came to wait for Ye Kai before they had eaten in the morning.

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