Even Ye Kai couldn't stop the miscellaneous fish on the road, let alone this combination.

"It seems that you should really be the one who should be robbed." GSD said with emotion.

"By the way, you came to me because of the mourning cave Xilock?" Ye Kai said suddenly.

"Sirock...Sirock! How do you know her? Also, she is in the mourning cave? Who told you that!" GSD said in surprise.

Ye Kai's appearance this time brought him too many surprises.

"The owner of this tower has asked someone to investigate here. Now that the demon world is rioting and the big transfer is starting, Xilock may just be a pioneer." Ye Kai said indifferently.

He didn't tell the truth about Sherlock, because no one would believe him if he said it.

All he has to do now is defeat Sherlock and see if he can take her to a warm place.

Although Sherlock was a bit ugly, her death was too miserable and tragic. She didn't want to hurt anyone, but many people wanted to hurt her.

Everything she did was done inadvertently, such as mutations.

Ye Kai also didn't want to let the second apostle's plot succeed.

Weeping Eye Herder, the second apostle of the Demon Realm, is the first person to discover and use magic, the ancestor of all magic, and also the mastermind behind the Arad mutation (all for the revival of the Demon Realm).

After the "Makai" was stripped from Terra, the strongest among the characters who came from various worlds in the process of drifting into a different space is called the apostle.

Although each of the apostles has crossed the constraints of space and entered the demon world, and all possess powerful power, the gap between them still exists.

They used to be just invaders from other worlds, but in the war launched by the Tyrannosaurus King Bakr, the second apostle Herder and the fourth apostle Caxias led the demon world to fight back, making the apostles the status of saviors.

At the same time, Herder bestowed the name "Apostle" on the strongest beings from other worlds, and also made this name spread as a respectful title.

But in fact, this is just a word that appeared in Caxias' joke to Herder, and the apostle himself did not have the self-awareness of being a savior.

This is nothing but the unilateral blind worship of the people of the demon world who yearn for the coming of the savior in the chaos.

As a matter of fact, many people in the demon world have encountered life-threatening crises because of the apostles, and the areas where the apostles live have also suffered a lot of disasters.

"Since the apostle appeared, the old man has to go too." GSD said in a deep voice.

GSD knows how much disaster an apostle will cause and how strong it is.Demon world, that is a terrifying place.

I am afraid that with the Four Swordsmen, the problem cannot be solved.

Even if you add Ye Kai and Remy Fran, it may not work.

Although the Remi sisters are strong in combat, their spirits are flawed.

Not all apostles are only good at physical combat.

"Then, let's form a group, the mourning cave." The corners of Ye Kai's mouth rose.

Chapter 363

Elves, peripheral.

"Ye Kai, send it here." Celia said sweetly to Ye Kai.

"Well, Celia, maybe this battle is over, and I'm going to travel for a while. It's not safe here now, it's best to move some of the tribe out." Ye Kai said softly.

Although he knew about the Grand Forest fire, he was powerless to stop it.

As long as the Wailing Cave is over, I don't know when I will come back next time.

Although the relationship between him and Celia seems to be very good, but the two are really just acquaintances.

Ye Kai just entrusted Celia to help him take care of the two lolis for four years, and the relationship between Celia and the two lolis has been better in these four years.

It seems that if you want to gain a good impression, you must bring cute things like loli.

"Well, fate tells me that within a few years, the elves here will be destroyed." Remy said in a deep voice.

Celia was stunned for a moment, she thought it was something about the Sorrow Cave, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

She just listened to what Ye Kai said.

But Remy's words are really interesting.After all, Remy's prophecy is super accurate!

Four years later, the Great Forest fire was a tragedy for the elves.

Although Celia has a vaccination in her heart.

But, how many of her clan will listen to her?

Trust Remi, she told herself.How much can be persuaded to go, how much.At least, Remy will never harm her.

"If there is destiny, we will meet again." Ye Kai waved to Celia.

"Well, goodbye, Ye Kai." Celia smiled sweetly.

Seeing Celia's back gradually going away, Ye Kai felt lost.

Immediately, he laughed at himself, it seemed that it was so lonely to be alone all these years!For Tifa and Yuyuko, it was just a short time.

But for him, he was alone for more than four years.

During the last three years in the world of Gensokyo, and the four years now, I have never eaten meat, or I have never eaten meat at all. It is so fucking painful, obviously there are so many beauties around me.

"Damn servant, when are we going to leave?" Remi said while tugging at Ye Kai's hair.

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