"Big brother, I'm hungry, ahh..." Fulan bit Ye Kai's arm.

Well, the beauties around are all bear children.

It was because of them that I couldn't do some intimate things with my sister.

Well, if he wanted to kiss Celia, would she say no?

After thinking about it, I will definitely...

Dark forest near Wailing Cavern, entrance.

A gray-haired middle-aged man said impatiently, "When will the other two arrive? Let's go first!"

"You go your way, we wait for ours, does it matter? Get out, get out, I'll be annoyed when I see you." Xi Lan plucked her ears and said.

"You bastard, do you want to fight?" The middle-aged man drew out his sword and said coldly.

"Heh, rubbish, come on. Barn, what are the people from your empire?" Xi Lan said disdainfully.

A young man with short silver hair shook his head and said, "Xilan, Kane, now is not the time to quarrel."

Barn Bashunt's favorite weapon is the dagger.

Although swordsmanship has been quite accomplished, the long-term stagnation of progress still inevitably makes him secretly anxious.

At this moment, he heard that the Empire was organizing a team to investigate the Wailing Cave, so he volunteered to participate.

Dazzling short silver hair and gorgeous earrings are his most obvious features.Cheerful and lively, with some pride unique to the imperial elite.Although his behavior is restrained and polite, he also has the freedom of being a teenager.

Beside him, there was a female magician in a black dress, with long white hair reaching her ankles, holding a black magic wand in the shape of a moon at the top.

"Hmph, I'll give you this face." Kane sneered.

He was wearing a black sleeveless jacket with bodysuit underneath.

He is the leader of the investigation team that the Delos Empire sent the "Purple Mist Group" to the Mourning Cave. He has a brutal personality and regards human life as nothing.

He does not hesitate to betray his relatives and friends in order to achieve his goals, which can be described as unscrupulous. He is a notorious killer on the continent of Arad.

He brought a team of about a hundred people, the purple mist group, this is his subordinate.

It's not that he's showing face to Bahn, but that A-Gump, Lukexi, and Xilan all seem to be lazy, but they all stare at him vigilantly.

If he dared to attack, he would accept the crazy attacks of the two sword masters.

He is confident that he will not lose to Juggernaut.

However, he also has self-knowledge, people can see that they are together, and he doesn't want to go up there to make himself uncomfortable.

"It seems that everyone can't cooperate normally. Since this is the case, we will divide into two groups. Kane, how many people do you need to help?" gsd said indifferently.

They are still quarreling at such a critical juncture, and it is estimated that they will have to fight before they reach the mourning cave. It is better to part ways now.

This Kane, he is also very tired.

If he is not a member of the empire, I really want to repair him.

It would have been a real help if he had died during this investigation.For such a person, death is a blessing to the world.

"No, it's enough to have my purple mist group, and I shouldn't wait for you, heh." After speaking, Kane led his people and walked towards the dark forest.

Now not only the Mourning Cave, but even the periphery of the Mourning Cave has been infected.

Even the location of the cave was beginning to be uncertain.Inside, the smell of the apostles is very strong. I don't know how many ordinary animals have turned into monsters.

At least, it won't be as simple as in the game.

"Little Barn, you're still very courageous." Lynn covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"I myself hate mages very much. Therefore, I also hate you, Miss Lynn." Bain frowned.

"Are we going to stand with them so stupidly?" Lynn pointed at the gsd group, not minding being hated by Bahn at all.

"Wait, Four Juggernauts, there is one less." Bain said softly.

Among the Four Juggernauts, he is the youngest, even twice the age difference.

Put yourself in the same position as the other three Juggernauts, but there is no sense of disobedience.

Four years ago, when he was thirteen years old, he was already famous all over the world and reached the realm of Sword Master.

It was also at that time that I met Xi Lan and A Ganzuo.

Then, it was A-Gump left who met Ye Kai.

In terms of talent, he is indeed a genius to be proud of.At the age of seventeen, I have achieved what I am now, and I don't know where I will go in the future.

"Hmph, you're a smart kid. I didn't say that, that Kane, he's a slut! If I didn't meet him here, I would beat him up for anything." Xi Lan said disdainfully.

"If you want to do something, count me in." A-Gump left said indifferently.

Seeing that A-Gump and Xi Lan hated Kane so much, Bahn couldn't help shrugging.

He and Kane didn't undo much, but there was no ill feeling for what he had done.

It seems that nobles are born like this.

"It's fine to leave." GSD said calmly.

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