"Ye Kai and Buwanga, when will they arrive?" Lukexi asked with some doubts.

During these four years, once Bwanga came to visit Forrest Gumpso and got acquainted with Lukexi.

Like Xi Lan, he doesn't like Lukexi very much.

However, because of Forrest Gump's face, it's hard to say anything.

In fact, Lukexi doesn't look like a good person, and neither does his behavior.

But... Her last shining point made everyone respect and heartache.

"Haha! Everyone seems to have been waiting for a long time. I'm sorry, I have something to do in the clan, so it's a little late!" A hearty voice sounded behind everyone.

Chapter 364 The Tragic Lynn

The person who came was bare-chested, showing explosive muscles, carrying a huge totem, and wearing a big cloak.

He is not very old, about the same age as Ye Kai, but he already looks like an uncle. He probably had to buy a ticket to take the train when he was in elementary school...

"Hey, here we come, Buvanga!" Xi Lan greeted, her attitude towards Kane was very different from before.

"You say you are stupid enough to use a giant sword, but you still use a blunt weapon. Isn't it good to use a decent blunt weapon? You must use a totem! Sigh, what a shame to our sword master..." Xi Lan ran away with her mouth full in the train...

Buvanga rolled his eyes, and didn't bother to talk to Xi Lan, anyway, this kind of guy has such virtues.

"Hello, senior." Bahn walked straight up to Buvanga and said politely, "My name is Bahn, and I am good at short swords."

bang, bang, bang...

Bhuvanga patted Bahn's shoulder and laughed loudly: "Haha, I know you, a sword master who is as famous as us, a very powerful young man."

"Senior, it's absurd." The corner of Bahn's mouth grinned, and his brows were slightly frowned.

This strong man is really strong!

"All here? I'm sorry, I'm late." At this moment, Ye Kai's figure also appeared here.

"Hey, these two are the legendary blunt weapon master Buwanga and short sword master Bahn!" Ye Kai glanced at them and recognized them.

"Senior is challenging the Tower of Despair. You have reached the ninety-sixth floor. Have you met Ye Kai of Soderos?" Bain chuckled, and there was nothing wrong with his etiquette.

Although Bahn's etiquette could not be faulted, Ye Kai still frowned slightly, and sighed, "Aren't you tired of living like this?"

Bahn still had the elegance of an aristocrat, and said with a light smile, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Ye Kai said that he met Soderos, he said it himself, no one has seen it, and no one has seen how many levels he has challenged.

Forrest Gump, Xi Lan, and GSD naturally didn't believe that Ye Kai would lie.

His strength lies there!

As for Bahn, he had a lot more thoughts.

"I'll understand later." Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

"Yo! Very powerful young man!" Bhuvanga laughed.

Ye Kai was riding a Remy on his neck, so it was not easy for him to pat Ye Kai's shoulder.

"Hmph, you brought two children here, do you think it's a spring outing? Are these two children wetting the bed now? If you don't want to part with your daughter, you'd better go home. This place is not suitable for you." Lynn obviously didn't understand Seeing that Ye Kai ignored her, he said sarcastically.

Ye Kai's challenge to the Tower of Despair was only known among the sword masters.

She is not qualified to know.


A burst of red rushed, and instantly shot to the front of Lynn's neck one centimeter.

The expressions of Bahn and Buwanga changed!

Ye Kai was ten meters away from Lynn, and Remy's spear had the function of zooming in and out!

Moreover, no one saw how Remy made the move.

"How dare you treat Master Remy like a child, are you ready to die ten thousand times?" Remy said coldly.

"and many more……"

Just as Bahn was about to move, he saw Fran staring at him firmly, holding her small hands in vain.

Bahn had a feeling that if Fran's little hand was clenched tightly, he would die, an ugly death!

Although Bane has reached the realm of a sword master, his swordsmanship is not as good as these seniors.

Physical fitness is even worse.

Fran wanted to kill him instantly, but she was relaxed and happy.

Over the years, due to their frequent sparring with Fran Remy, A-Gumpzuo and Xi Lan have far surpassed Bahn and Buwanga in terms of combat effectiveness.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, if you want to kill all those who don't open your eyes, how many people will die in this world!" Ye Kai patted Remi's calf, and pinched Fulan's belly.


Only then did the two receive their supernatural powers.

Lynn, a drop of cold sweat dripped down her head.

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