There was a bloodthirsty breath on his body.

This person is a person who will use any means to achieve his goals, and kills like hemp.

"I know, why should I kill him and go to Xilock again?" Ye Kai said indifferently.

"You scum, you actually attacked your own people!" The blood vessels on Remy's face bulged a little.

As a leader, she would never do such a thing.

She has always taken good care of her subordinates.

In addition to not paying wages, even those goblins and little devils, she treats them as her own and protects them.

But what about Kane?Scum, damn it!

Gungnir has appeared in Remi's hands.

She was angry.

"Who's there!" Kane was very sensitive and not weak, otherwise he wouldn't have come here.

But what greeted him was not an answer, but a spear that could reverse cause and effect!


The spear pierced his heart, and he had an unbelievable expression on his face.

He thought that he would die, but he never thought that he would die like this, such an inexplicable death!

He looked up to see who had killed him.

But what I saw was a loli's icy red pupils, making people feel like falling into an ice cave.

Chapter 367 Sherlock's Confession

After finishing Kane, Ye Kai collected the spoils.

"The subsequent war is not something you can participate in. I will send you to the entrance of the forest, you can go out." Ye Kai whispered to Lynn.

This kind of forest is filled with the power of apostles.

Only Ye Kai and gsd can completely find the way.

"Really? Thank you, thank you!" Lynn said gratefully.

Anyway, it's not a troublesome thing, and it's not comfortable to carry such a burden.

As for the remaining members of the purple mist group, they ran away by themselves.

What kind of team leader there is, and there will naturally be what kind of team members.

One by one is selfish.

Fortunately, they also know how to form groups, otherwise they would not be able to get out.

It was already midnight when Lynn was sent to the entrance.

Ye Kai originally wanted to fight at this time, because this time is also when Xilock is weakest.

"In the future, I will repay you." Lin En bowed to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai nodded in satisfaction, a world without underwear would be great.

Because Lynne bowed very sincerely, and with that wide neckline, Ye Kai could even see red beans...

This was the first time Lynn bowed in this magic robe in her life, completely unaware that she had inadvertently developed benefits for Ye.

Ye Kai thought about it, in this case, the rescue is not in vain.

"Master Lynn?"

"It's Lord Lynn!"

"What's going on inside?"

At this moment, a group of soldiers with torches rushed over.

They are soldiers of the empire, and they are also here to participate in the investigation.They were still discussing whether to go in tomorrow or tonight.

These belong to the category of reinforcements.

Ye Kai didn't know why, but suddenly remembered the imperial soldiers and the Ziwu regiment who were attacking each other in the mourning cave.

It seems that there should be some plot that I didn't pay attention to and was forgotten.

"Since the soldiers are here, you don't have to worry about your safety, I'll go first." Ye Kai said calmly.

"Okay, Master Ye Kai." Lynn said respectfully.

It seems that she is not the kind who forgets righteousness for profit.

He thought that his own people had come, so he began to repay kindness and revenge.

The strength of Ye Kai and the others has been deeply engraved in her mind.

I'm afraid, she is unlikely to resist Ye Kai in the future.

These soldiers, she intends to take them back to the empire.

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