The monsters inside are too strong, if these soldiers go in, there will be absolutely no return.

In this place, quantity does not play a role at all, we still have to rely on the strong!

Whoosh, bang!

Ye Kai turned his head sharply, only to see a firework exploding.

In the Scarlet Devil's Mansion, three big scarlet characters spread in the air.

"Surprisingly, he was bumped into by someone?" Ye Kai was full of surprise.

In the game, it was Sherlock discovered by Lynn.

Now, who will find out? gsd?


I am Sherlock, you must be familiar with this name.

I was originally the fifth apostle living in Metrocentre on the planet Terra, and I can move freely only in warm places.

Because the power I possess can change the world around me, I am called the Invisible Hero, but this is something I cannot change, just like Di Ruiji.

My too powerful power of change will automatically affect the surrounding world, so I can only apologize for your mutation.

Because of the need for energy, I often have a little dispute with the seventh apostle Anton who lives in the nearby area, but I never do it. I thought I could live in peace like this forever, but everything is because of Herder's arrangements shifted and changed...

She, a despicable woman, knew that I could only live in a warm place, so she actually used such indecent means to transfer me, and transferred me to the depths of such a dark and cold cave.And the huge space crack almost tore me apart during the transfer. Fortunately, I have the power of change, so I was lucky enough to survive, but later I realized that this is actually a real misfortune.

When I woke up, I was already in a strange world, where the air was damp and cold, and my body was affected by it and I couldn't move freely.

Endless pain hit me, and my mental power became more and more chaotic. I knew that I would die in a short time if this continued. My power gradually became uncontrollable, and everything around me became more and more weird.

I don't understand why I came here, I can transfer such a powerful apostle like me, I can't think of anyone except Herder, the creator of magic, but why?

The situation is getting worse, the surrounding creatures have completely mutated, I know it's my fault, but I can't control it.

The only thing I can do is to limit my power as much as possible, so that it will not leak out, so as not to cause greater harm.At the same time, I will try my best to get rid of these mutated creatures, but how long can my body last?I have no idea……

I finally understood that Herder wanted to revive the planet Terra. I used to think she was great for her dream, but what about now?

It turned out to be the magical power of destroying the world. In order to revive Terra, she was vicious and wanted to destroy the whole world!

And the first step of the plan is our apostles...

At this moment, I thought of Bakar, the former ninth apostle Tyrannosaurus King. Is he really evil?

Could it be that he was removed by Herder because he discovered Herder's conspiracy?

I don't know, but I can basically confirm that the power of change I possess must have affected Herder's plan. Maybe my power is harmful to the planet Terra, so I must die, but I am not reconciled!

What a big bug, could it be that my strength has really been affected to this extent?This bug is completely different from the small insects I have seen before, it can be said to be the king of bugs!

However, I can't let it cause harm to the world, since I caused it, I must destroy it!

Uh... I didn't expect that bug to be so strong, my strength itself is not as good as before, and I was injured myself in order to eliminate it.

But the saddest thing is that I still have no way to recover, I can only kill endless mutant creatures in the depths of this dark cave...

This almost drove me into madness, endless pain, coupled with the unwillingness in my heart, I resent!

Herder, if I can go back, I will kill you!

Who is here?I've noticed it before.It's just that the insect king is more important, so I have no scruples about these people for the time being, but now they have come to me.

Standing in front of me were some ordinary humans, a gray-clothed swordsman, a woman with a strange complexion, and a bald old man.

They seem to have gone through a lot of battles to come here, and their eyes are full of fatigue, but I can see that although these people who came here are tired, they are absolutely strong. What are they here for?

Chapter 368 Sherlock's Power

Sherlock's skin is blue, her body is enchanting, her face is evil, and she wears very little... Only the important parts are covered, and the red hair is like a living thing, which makes people feel chilling!

"Sirlock, are you the one who caused the mutation?" GSD said in a deep voice.

Xilock's golden eyes slowly became violent.

Just relying on you, do you want to question me?I obviously didn't do it on purpose, I obviously didn't want anything, why do you force me like this?

"Roar!" Sherlock roared, without answering gsd's question, countless strands of hair shot towards the crowd.

And Bane and Xilan Buwanga, obviously not far from here, were in place immediately!

"I'll wipe it, play big ones as soon as I come up?" Xi Lan's face was inexplicable, this Sherlock is so fierce!

Buvanga frowned slightly, what a strong guy!

But Barn, seeing Sherlock's apostle power, his eyes lit up.

This is the power he yearns for, the fascinating power!This kind of power is really very comfortable!

I must obtain such a powerful force!

Now Sirock is not at his home court, and he is still in a weak state.

Even so, she was not timid towards everyone.

Moreover, she didn't think she would lose.

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